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Geek Tips: Searching the Library Catalog

The best Library of Congress Subject Heading for climate change is actually "climatic changes".   So, when keyword searching in the library catalog it is a good idea to use the following to search on climate change as a topic in general:  "climate change" OR "climatic changes" .   If you search only one or the other, you will miss relevant titles.

However, in recent years books seem to more frequently get subject headings that include the phrase "climate change" (for instance, Climate Change Mitigation).  So this geek tip is more relevant for older titles, less relevant for books published in the last couple of years.

"Climate Justice" is not an official subject heading, but "Environmental Justice" is.  "Climate justice" works well as a key phrase, but will miss some relevant titles.  "Environmental Justice" will get more titles that have to do with climate justice, but will also get many titles that focus on other environmental issues.  For the broadest coverage, search "environmental justice" OR "climate justice".  To be much more precise, but at risk of missing some relevant titles, use just "climate justice".

Daniel J. Evans Library - MS: LIB2300 - 2700 Evergreen Parkway, NE. Olympia, WA 98501 - 360-867-6250