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Environmental Humanities: Agriculture and Urbanization


SARE (Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education) details "What is Sustainable Agriculture?":

A simple way to think about sustainable agriculture is that it involves producing enough food and fiber to satisfy today’s needs without compromising the ability of future generations to do the same. Farmers and ranchers who value sustainability embrace three common goals while running productive operations:

  • Profit over the long term
  • Stewardship of our nation’s land, air and water
  • Quality of life for farmers, ranchers, farm employees and our communities

You can also visit SARE to learn How to Conduct Research on your Farm or Ranch, or to learn about Systems Research for Agriculture.

Below is an introduction to a podcast by the Oxford Food Symposium, an organization that describes itself as:

The Oxford Symposium on Food & Cookery exists to celebrate, explore, and share leading food research from around the world in a collaborative, collegial, and inclusive environment. We are an evolving community of writers, academics, chefs, scientists, producers, and passionate amateurs whose members bring a diverse host of experiences and perspectives to the study of food and cookery. Our goal is to change the conversation around food, expand the table and improve the plate, through lively debate and the annual publication of our Symposium Proceedings. - ("About Us" on Website)

What about Sustainable City Policy, Development and Engineering?

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