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Evergreen Protests of 2016-2017: The Bibliography: Before July 1 2017

Articles Published Prior to July 1, 2017: Citations are in reverse chronological order (most recent first)

Bancalari, Kellie. 2017. “Evergreen State College Looks to Mend Campus Following Protests.” USA TODAY College. June 30, 2017.

Taranto, James. 2017. “Divided America Stands—Then, and Now.” Wall Street Journal, June 30, 2017, sec. Opinion. (paywall).  Full text via the Evergreen Library.

Berlinerblau, Jacques. 2017. “Perspective | When Your next College Free Speech Controversy Erupts, Don’t Blame Liberals.” Washington Post, June 30, 2017, sec. Grade Point.

Ray, Victor. 2017. “The Right Is Using the Comments of Left-Wing Professors to Delegitimize Higher Ed (Essay) | Inside Higher Ed.” June 30, 2017.

Loury, Glenn. 2017. Glenn Loury (Brown University) and Bret Weinstein (The Evergreen State College). Bloggingheads.Tv:  The Glenn Show.

Leise, Christopher. 2017. “An Alternate Approach Would Have Made the Evergreen State Events Less Controversial and More Educational (Essay).” Inside Higher Ed, June 29, 2017.

Marks, Jonathan. 2017. “A Conservative Defense of Free Speech for a Black Activist.” The Chronicle of Higher Education, June 28, 2017.

Mcmurtrie, Beth. 2017. “What Colleges Can Do When the Internet Outrage Machine Comes to Campus.” The Chronicle of Higher Education, June 26, 2017. Paywall.  Full text for Evergreen readers.

Ismail, Evan. 2017. “Evergreen State Riots Accomplished Nothing but Chaos, Don’t Let It Spread.” Highlander. June 26, 2017.

Flaherty, Colleen. 2017. “Professors Are Often Political Lightning Rods but Now Are Facing New Threats over Their Views, Particularly on Race.” Inside Higher Ed, June 26, 2017.

Jones, Alex. 2017. Alex Jones Tells Joe Rogan And Professor Bret Weinstein Why The Left Are Turning On Themselves. InfoWars.

My Chat with Bret Weinstein - Part I (THE SAAD TRUTH _474).  Gad Saad. 23 June, 2017. 

Laats, Adam.  "Shut up.  No YOU Shut Up".   I Love You But You're Going To Hell.  22 June, 2017.

Lain, Douglas. 2017. Zero Squared #115: The Evergreen Struggle Sessions - Zero Books Blog (no longer available as of September 2019)

“The Evergreen State College President Defends Actions, Admits Mistake.” 2017. King 5

Young, Daniel.  "Evergreen College students seek racial equality, receive right-wing media attacks and death threats".  Daniel Young:  Reporting and Podcasts.  20 June, 2017.

“Author Says Antifa Should Be Listed As a Domestic Terror Group.” 2017. FOX News Insider. June 20, 2017.

Banse, Tom. 2017. “Evergreen State College President Asks Legislators For More Campus Security.” Northwest Public Radio.

Camden, Jim. 2017. “Evergreen President Describes How Protests ‘Blew Up.’” Spokesman-Review, June 20, 2017.

“Work Session: Campus Safety at the Evergreen State College; Executive Session: SGA 9253, SB 5952.” 2017.

Young, Daniel.  "Interview: Elizabeth Williamson on protests at Evergreen State College".  19 June, 2017.

Young asks good questions, and Williamson provides opinionated but concise, informative and balanced responses.  Could be a decent introduction to the protests, although some parts of the discussion assume some background knowledge.

“Evergreen Invasion.” 2017. Weekly Standard:  The Scrapbook. June 19, 2017.

Allen, Charlotte. 2017. “The Whole World Was Watching.” Weekly Standard, June 19, 2017.

Kaste, Martin, and Kirk Siegler. 2017. “FACT CHECK: Is Left-Wing Violence Rising?” All Things Considered. NPR.

James, Will. 2017. “Evergreen ‘Free Speech’ Rally Turns Into A Familiar West Coast Showdown | KNKX.” KNKX. June 16, 2017.

Littleton, Jacqueline. 2017. “Opinion | The Media Brought the Alt-Right to My Campus.” The New York Times, June 16, 2017, sec. Opinion.

Sundell, Allison. 2017. “The Evergreen State College Holds Graduation at Cheney Stadium.” KING

Hartocollis, Anemona. 2017. “A Campus Argument Goes Viral. Now the College Is Under Siege.” The New York Times, June 16, 2017, sec. U.S.

Quintana, Chris. 2017. “For One Scholar, an Online Stoning Tests the Limits of Public Scholarship.” The Chronicle of Higher Education, June 16, 2017.

Knauf, Ana Sofia. 2017. “‘Go Back to the Zoo’: How Evergreen State College Became a Target For Right-Wing Trolls.” The Stranger, June 15, 2017.

Shapiro, Nina.  2017.  "Evergreen State College suspends campus activities again — this time ahead of pro-Trump group’s protest".  The Seattle Times, June 15, 2017.  

Banse, Tom. 2017. “‘Patriot’ Protesters, Counter Protesters Face Off At Evergreen State College | KNKX.” KNKX.

Higgins, Eoin. 2017. “Threats to Campus Speech Don’t Alarm Media When They Come From the Right.” FAIR, June 15, 2017.

Dickson, Amelia. 2017. “Demonstrators, Patriot Prayer and Troopers in Riot Gear Face off at Evergreen.” The Olympian. June 15, 2017.

Dorman, Peter. 2017. “Article on Evergreen State Misrepresented Professor’s Positions.” The Chronicle of Higher Education Blogs: Letters. June 13, 2017.

Pemberton, Lisa. 2017. “Weinstein: ‘I Have Been Portrayed as the Reason That Evergreen Is in Crisis.’” The Olympian, June 13, 2017.

Wall Street Journal. 2017. “Evergreen’s Reply Unconvincing on ‘Coercive,’” June 12, 2017, sec. Opinion.

Carlson, Tucker. 2017. “WA Prof Confronted By Race Activists: I Don’t Know If It’s Safe to Return.” FOX News Insider

Long, Katherine. 2017. “Long-Simmering Discord Led to The Evergreen State College’s Viral Moment.” The Seattle Times. June 10, 2017.

Quintana, Chris. 2017. “How a Campus Fight Drove 2 Left-Leaning Professors to Fox News.” The Chronicle of Higher Education, June 9, 2017.

James, Will. 2017. “Evergreen Students, Swept Up In A National Story, Try To Retake The Narrative | KNKX.” KNKX. June 9, 2017.

Harriot, Michael. 2017. “The Official White-Tears Quiz: How a Black-Student Protest Terrified and Outraged White People.” The Root, June 9, 2017.

Lhatoo, Yonden. 2017. “Red Guards Are Alive and Well, No Longer Confined to Chinese History.” South China Morning Post, June 8, 2017.

Olympian Editorial Board. 2017. “Time for Evergreen to Show Leadership.” The Olympian, June 8, 2017.

Bohanon, Mariah. 2017. “Racial Controversy Leads to Protests, Threats, and Property Damage at Evergreen State College.” INSIGHT Into Diversity, June 7, 2017.

Craig, Daniel. 2017. “Professor Embroiled in Evergreen State Controversy Was Once Penn Frat Whistleblower.” PhillyVoice. June 7, 2017.

Post Editorial Board. 2017. “Scenes from US Academia’s Descent into Madness.” New York Post. June 7, 2017.

Knauf, Ana Sofia. 2017. “Neo-Nazi Group Posts Flyers at Evergreen State College After Student Demonstrations.” The Stranger. June 7, 2017.

Smith, Thomas.  "What's Really Going on at Evergreen  College?Serious Inquiries Only.  7 June, 2017.

Riley, Jason L. “50 Years After Loving v. Virginia, Colleges Embrace Segregation.” Wall Street Journal, 6 June 2017.  (paywall).  Full Text via the Evergreen Library.

Coffman, Steve. 2017. “I Attend Evergreen State College. It’s Not Racist. But It Is Delusional.” The College Fix. June 7, 2017.

Heinzerling. 2017. “A 1991 Penn Graduate Is Being Accused of Racism at Evergreen State College. At Penn, He Fought against It.” The Daily Pennsylvanian, June 7, 2017.

Mitchner, Mary Frances.  "The Uncomfortable Truth: Race Matters Are National News".  Non-Profit Quarterly.  6 June, 2019.

Hatch, Walter. 2017. “Evergreen Story Highlights How White Liberals Get It Wrong.” Crosscut. June 6, 2017.

Lowry, Glenn D. 2017. Glenn Loury (Brown University) and John McWhorter (Time, Columbia University, Talking Back, Talking Black). Bloggingheads.Tv:  The Glenn Show.

Spinelli, Dan. 2017. “The Professor At The Center Of Controversy At Evergreen State Has A History Of Fighting Racism.” Forbes, June 6, 2017.

Pemberton, Lisa. 2017. “Letter from Evergreen Students: ‘We Reject the McCarthy-Esque Witch-Hunting Which Has Taken Place.’” The Olympian, June 6, 2017.

Reilly, Katie. 2017. “Evergreen State College Resumes Classes After Violent Threat and $10,000 in Damage.” Time, June 6, 2017.

Quintana, Chris. 2017. “As New Threat Briefly Closes Evergreen State, Students Rip Legislation That Would Cut Its Funding.” The Chronicle of Higher Education Blogs: The Ticker. June 5, 2017.

Herbst, Jeffrey, and Geoffrey R. Stone. 2017. “The New Censorship on Campus.” The Chronicle of Higher Education, June 5, 2017.

Bridges, George. 2017. “No Coercive Segregation by Race at Evergreen.” Wall Street Journal, June 5, 2017, sec. Opinion. (paywall).  Full Text via the Evergreen Library.

Marks, Jonathan. 2017. “The Student-Led Revolt at Evergreen State Was a Disgrace.” Commentary Magazine. June 5, 2017.

The Seattle Times. 2017. “The Evergreen State College: No Safety, No Learning, No Future,” June 5, 2017.

Kaste, Martin. 2017. “Trump Supporters Accuse Liberal Communities Of Hostility Toward Free Speech.” All Things Considered. NPR.

Morrow, Lance. 2017. “When Universities Go Out of Control | Minding The Campus.” Minding the Campus. June 5, 2017.

Leigh, Genevieve. 2017. “Evergreen College Professor Harassed, Slandered as Racist for Opposing ‘Exclusion Day’ on Campus.” World Socialist Web Site. June 5, 2017.

Driscoll, Matt. 2017. “Matt Driscoll: If You’re Going to Talk about Evergreen, at Least Get Your Facts Straight.” The Olympian, June 5, 2017.

Svrluga, Susan. 2017. “Evergreen State College Reopens after Violent Threat and Property Damage on Campus.” Washington Post:  Grade Point. June 5, 2017.

Svrluga, Susan. 2017. “Evergreen State College Closes Again after Threat and Protests over Race.” Washington Post:  Grade Point. June 5, 2017.

Bartlett, Tom. 2017. “The Professor Who Roiled Evergreen State Is No Stranger to Campus Controversy.” The Chronicle of Higher Education, June 5, 2017.

Richardson, Bradford. 2017. “Evergreen Faculty Demand ‘Investigation’ into Professor Who Dissented from No-Whites Day.” Washington Times, June 5, 2017.

Haskell, David Millard, and Special to the Toronto Sun. 2017. “The New Institutionalized Racism.” Toronto Sun, June 4, 2017. new institutionalized racism.

PowerfulJRE. 2017. Joe Rogan Experience #970 - Bret Weinstein. The Joe Rogan Experience.

Pemberton, Lisa. 2017. “Evergreen State College Board Speaks out about Campus’ Racial Tensions, Unrest.” The Olympian, June 3, 2017.

Bruni, Frank. 2017. “Opinion | These Campus Inquisitions Must Stop.” The New York Times, June 3, 2017, sec. Opinion.

Quintana, Chris. 2017. “A Polarized Campus Struggles to Understand How Racial Tensions Became National News.” The Chronicle of Higher Education, June 2, 2017.

Bohmer, Peter. 2017. “In Solidarity with the Struggle for Racial Justice at the Evergreen State College.” CounterPunch, June 2, 2017.

Vigo, Julian. 2017. “Rebels Without a Cause: The Assault on Academic Freedom.” Www.Counterpunch.Org. June 2, 2017.

McCroskey, John. 2017. “McCroskey Commentary: Video Exposes Evergreen State College Behavior for What It Is.” The Chronicle, June 2, 2017, sec. Opinion.

Svrluga, Susan, and Joe Helm. 2017. “A Washington State College, Caught up in Racial Turmoil, Remains Closed Friday after Threat of Violence - The Washington Post.” Washington Post:  Grade Point. June 2, 2017.

Chumley, Cheryl. 2017. “Evergreen State College, Racked by Racism, Shuts over Threat.” The Washington Times, June 2, 2017, sec. Opinion:  Rapid Reactions. //

Thomason, Andy, and Chris Quintana. 2017. “A Campus on Edge Over Racial Tensions Is Shut Down by a Threat.” The Chronicle of Higher Education, June 1, 2017.

Miller, Joshua Rhett. 2017. “College Closed Due to ‘Direct Threat to Campus Safety.’” New York Post. June 1, 2017.

Perrino, Nico. 2017. “Yale 2.0 at Evergreen State College?” FIRE. June 1, 2017.

Kozak-Gilroy, Jasmine. 2017. “A Year of Events A Time Line of Protests.” Cooper Point Journal, June 1, 2017.

Littleton, Jacqueline. 2017. “The Truth About the Evergreen Protests.” Cooper Point Journal, June 1, 2017, sec. Letters and Opinion.

Salo, Jackie. 2017. “College Melts down over Plan for White People-Free Day on Campus.” New York Post. June 1, 2017.

Svrluga, Susan, and Joe Helm. 2017. “Threat Shuts down College Embroiled in Racial Dispute.” Washington Post. June 1, 2017.

Weiss, Bari. 2017. “Opinion | When the Left Turns on Its Own.” The New York Times, June 1, 2017, sec. Opinion.

Orenstein, Walker. 2017. “Read the Email Exchange That Sparked Protests against an Evergreen Professor.” The Olympian. June 1, 2017.

Johnson, Scott.  "The Ordeal Of Bret Weinstein".   PowerLine.  31 May, 2017.  

Primarily links to other sources.

Weinstein, Bret. 2017. “The Campus Mob Came for Me—and You, Professor, Could Be Next.” Wall Street Journal, May 30, 2017, sec. Opinion. (paywall).  Full Text via the Evergreen Library.  Also at

Rubin, Dave. 2017. LIVE with Bret Weinstein: Evergreen State College Racism Controversy. The Rubin Report.

Jaschik, Scott. 2017. “Who Defines What Is Racist?” Inside Higher Ed, May 30, 2017.

Sumter, Kyle. 2017. “Protests Erupt over Racism at Evergreen State College.” USA TODAY College. May 30, 2017.

Dorman, Peter. 2017. “EconoSpeak: The Protests at Evergreen State College, Un-Foxed.” EconoSpeak. May 29, 2017.

Richardson, The Washington Times. 2017. “Evergreen State College President Expresses ‘Gratitude’ for Students Who Took over Campus.” The Washington Times, May 29, 2017. //


Cooper Point Journal. 2017. “Students Demand Change,” May 28, 2017.

Chrome, Felix. 2017. “Protest Prompts Changes at Evergreen Students Say the Fight Against Racism on Campus Continues.” Cooper Point Journal, May 28, 2017.

Greenfield, Scott H.  "Bret Weinstein Meets The Downward Spiral of Social Justice".  Simple Justice:  A Criminal Defense Blog.   27 May, 2017.

Hicks, Georgie. 2017. “Protests on Evergreen Campus Students Challenge Racism and Anti-Blackness.” Cooper Point Journal, May 27, 2017.

Cooper Point Journal.  "George Bridges Statement in Response to Student Demands".  Cooper Point Journal.  27 May, 2017.

Haidt, Jonathan. 2017. “The Blasphemy Case against Bret Weinstein, and Its Four Lessons for Professors.” HeterodoxAcademy.Org. May 27, 2017.

“Professor Told He’s Not Safe on Campus after College Protests.” 2017. KING

Richardson, Bradford. 2017. “Bret Weinstein, Evergreen State Professor, Holds Class off-Campus after Threats of Violence.” The Washington Times, May 27, 2017. //

Kabbany, Jennifer.  "White professor forced to flee campus as police say he’s not safe".  The College Fix.  26 May, 2017.

Carlson, Tucker. 2017. “Professor Blasts Campus ‘Mob’ Calling for ‘Day Without White People.’” Tucker Carlson: FOX News Insider.  26 May, 2018.  (Video of this interview is no longer available at this address, but as of March 2019, can still be found at:

Durden, Tyler.  "Meanwhile At Evergreen College, Police Tell Professor To Avoid Campus As Student Protesters Seek Hostages".  ZeroHedge.  26 May, 2017.

Berrien, Hank.  "Leftist Students Target White Professor For Failing To Leave Campus On Day Without Whites".  DailyWire.  26 may, 2017.

Goins-Phillips, Tre.  "Students demand firing of college professor who objected to event that kicks white people off campus".  The Blaze.  26 May, 2017.

Balan, Mathew.  "Professor at Evergreen State College Chased Off Campus by Students Protesting His ‘Racism’".  Mediaite.  26 May, 2017.

Sexton, John.  "Students Demand Firing Of Professor Who Objected To Asking Whites To Leave Campus".  HotAir.  26 May, 2017.

Turley, Jonathan.  "College Professor Objects To Exclusion of Whites From Campus For “Day of Absence” . . . Students Denounce Him As Racist and Call For His Termination".  Jonathan Turley (blog).  26 May, 2017.

Beck, Chris.  "A Big Week For the Food and Thought Police".  Splice Today.  26 May, 2017.

French, David.  "Unhinged Activists Never Enter the ‘Real World’".  National Review.  26 May, 2017.

Volokh, Eugene. 2017. “‘Professor Told He’s Not Safe on Campus after College Protests’ at Evergreen State College (Washington).” Washington Post:  Volokh Conspiracy. May 26, 2017.

Goldenberg, Ashley Rae. 2017. “Students Protest To Demand Resignation of Professor For Opposing Segregation.” MRCTV. May 25, 2017.

Spags, Chris.  "College Kids Protested To Get A Professor Fired For Questioning A Black Student 'Day Of Absence' And Wanting To Discuss It".  Barstool Sports.  25 May, 2017.

Piper, Greg.  "Students harass white professor for refusing to leave campus on anti-white ‘Day of Absence’".  College Fix.  25 May, 2017 (correction added later).

Dreher, Rod.  "The Hunting of Bret Weinstein".  The American Conservative.  25 May, 2017 (later updated?).

Mikkelsen, Drew.  "Wash. professor told he's not safe on campus after college protests".  KGW8.  25 May, 2017.

Shimshock, Rob.  "‘It’s Life Or Death For Us’: Students Protest Racism, Police Brutality At College [Video]".  Daily Caller.  25 May, 2017.

Caruso, Justin, and Gockowski, Anthony.  "VIDEO: white prof harassed for questioning diversity event".  Campus Reform.  25 May, 2017.  

Donovan, Karen.  "A “Day of Absence” Explodes In Protest" Karen Donovan (blog).  25 May, 2017 (later updated).

Richardson, Bradford. 2017. “Evergreen State Students Demand Professor Resign for Failing to Participate in ‘Day of Absence.’” The Washington Times, May 25, 2017. //

Tapson, Mark.  "Students Verbally Assault Professor for Questioning School's Racist Policy".  TruthRevolt.  25 May, 2017.

PragerU.  "Evergreen State College professor Bret Weinstein objects to white students being asked to leave campus for diversity programming...gets screamed at by angry mob.".  25 May, 2017.  Facebook Post.

Hicks, Georgie. 2017. “Students Questioned About Alleged Harassment Allegations of Anti-Black Racism Ensue.” Cooper Point Journal, May 24, 2017.

Pemberton, Lisa. 2017. “Students Allege Racism, Protest Administrators at The Evergreen State College.” The Olympian. May 24, 2017.

The Race Card.  "Urgent: Olympia, Wa Students Reportedly Attacked By Police For Protesting Teacher’s Anti-Black StatementsAfroPunk.  23 May, 2017.  (Some material appears to have been added later).

Marina Manchester, Chloe. “Day of Absence Changes Form.” Cooper Point Journal, 11 Apr. 2017,

The Day of Absence described before it happened.  If all subsequent accounts of the Day of Absence quoted from this article, those accounts would be much better than they typically have been.

Cooper Point Journal.  "'POC Talk:  Re: Equity, Inclusion, Silence, and Fear:  Faculty Emails Reveal Controversy Over Race and Diversity at Evergreen'".  20 March, 2017.

Gilroy, Jasmine Kozak.  "Faculty Hiring at Evergreen:  Hiring Continues as Planned Amidst Faculty Equity Drama".  Cooper Point Journal.  2 March, 2017.

Rantz, Jason.  "Panic and dismay over criticism, propaganda at Evergreen  13 February, 2017.

Piper, Greg. 2017. “70 Colleges Send the Cops after People Who Trigger ‘bias Incidents,’ Report Finds.” The College Fix. February 7, 2017.

Rantz, Jason.  "Anti-Trump activists vandalize ‘racist’ art at Evergreen State College".  3 February, 2017.

Chasmar, Jessica. 2016. “George Bridges, Wash. College President, Slams Chicago’s ‘Tone Deaf’ Approach to Safe Spaces.” The Washington Times, September 2, 2016.

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