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The library subscribes to several databases, streaming media platforms, and individual journal subscriptions. Also listed on this page are open access or free resources that align with our curriculum at Evergreen and are recommended by librarians. To search accross all our journal titles, go to the library catalog.
Full-text. Access articles from this broad, multidisciplinary database of scholarly journals and other trusted periodicals in the hard sciences and social sciences.
Other name(s):
U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Agricultural Library
Index. Some full-text. Covers materials relating to agriculture in all formats and periods, including printed works from as far back as the 15th century. Includes articles, book chapters, books, and more. Created by the National Agricultural Library (USDA).
Other name(s):
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Agricultural Science and Technology Information (AGRIS)
Index. Some full-text. The International System for Agricultural Science and Technology (AGRIS) is a multilingual bibliographic database that connects users directly to a rich collection of research and worldwide technical information on food and agriculture. Maintained by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), AGRIS has been serving users from developed and developing countries through facilitating access to knowledge in agriculture, science and technology since 1975.
Other name(s):
Academic Video Online: Premium, AVON, ASP, Alexander Street Press
Streaming media. Our largest streaming media collection spanning the widest range of subject areas including anthropology, business, counseling, film, health, history, music, and more.
Other name(s):
ProQuest Alt Press Watch, Alternative Press
Full-text. Showcases unique, independent voices from many respected and cited grassroots newspapers, magazines, and journals. The database features over 670,000 articles from around 200 publications, offering a wide range of unfettered, critical coverage of the news.
Index. Some full-text. 1991 - current. This resource is a bibliographic database containing journal, newspaper and magazine articles from hundreds of international alternative, radical and left periodicals. Born of the New Left, this resource provides access to the emerging theories and practices of radical social change.
Other name(s):
EBSCO, AAS Historical Periodicals Collection
Full-text. Digital access to a comprehensive collection of American periodicals published between 1684 and 1912, documenting the life of America's people from the Colonial Era through the Civil War and Reconstruction.
Full-text. 50 journals from the world's largest and most influential scientific society, providing the worldwide scientific community with cutting-edge research from the most-cited, peer-reviewed publications in the chemical and related sciences.
Full-text. The digital databases include: over 2,300 original photographs, over 1,500 pages from the Annual Reports of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to the Secretary of the Interior from 1851 - 1908, and six Indian treaties negotiated in 1855. Secondary sources include articles from the Pacific Northwest Quarterly and University of Washington publications in Anthropology.
Full-text. American Memory provides free and open access through the Internet to written and spoken words, sound recordings, still and moving images, prints, maps, and sheet music that document the American experience. It is a digital record of American history and creativity. These materials, from the collections of the Library of Congress and other institutions, chronicle historical events, people, places, and ideas that continue to shape America, serving the public as a resource for education and lifelong learning.
Index. From 1957 - present. Journals indexed are based on the collections of the Royal Anthropological Institute (RAI) and the Anthropology Library and Research Centre at the British Museum.
Full-text. The Biodiversity Heritage Library (BHL) is a consortium of natural history and botanical libraries that cooperate to digitize the legacy literature of biodiversity held in their collections and to make that literature available for open access and responsible use as a part of a global “biodiversity commons.”
Full-text. From 2000 - present. Additional content from 1965 - 1999. Cover about 200 journals focused on biological, ecological, and environmental sciences journals.
Full-text. The Black Abolitionist Digital Archive is a collection of over 800 speeches by antebellum blacks and approximately 1,000 editorials from the period. These important documents provide a portrait of black involvement in the anti-slavery movement; scans of these documents are provided as images and PDF files.
Full-text. Black Life in America is an article-based, multidisciplinary database examining the experience and impact of African Americans as recorded by the news media. Coverage includes: Late 20th Century (1976 - 2000), Early 21st Century (2001 - present).
Full Text. Index. Black Studies Center consists of scholarly journals, commissioned overview essays by top scholars in Black Studies, historic indexes, and The Chicago Defender newspaper index from 1910-1975. Collections included: Schomburg Studies on the Black Experience, Black Studies Periodicals Database (formerly IIBP), The Chicago Defender Index, and Black Literature Index.
Compare global economies, countries, and industries with in-depth analysis on over 400,000 companies. You'll find: company histories, SWOT reports, Plunkett reports, industry information, case studies, charts, and other data.
Full-text. From 1930's - present. An excellent source for popular and academic, peer-reviewed articles on business and economics, as well as country and corporation profiles. Company View data includes financials, subsidiaries, products, employees, industry information and more. Video content provided by the Associated Press.
Journal. 2015-Present. The Chronicle of Higher Education is a newspaper and website that presents news, information, and jobs for college and university faculty and student affairs professionals, including staff members and administrators.
Search America's historic newspaper pages from 1789-1963 or use the U.S. Newspaper Directory to find information about American newspapers published between 1690-present.
Full-text. This page is a gateway to a consortium of civil rights and labor history projects directed by Professor James N. Gregory at the University of Washington and supported by the Harry Bridges Center for Labor Studies, the Simpson Center for the Humanities, and the Center for the Study of Pacific Northwest.
The thirteen projects bring together maps, films, slide shows, nearly one hundred video oral history interviews, and several thousand photographs, documents, and digitized newspaper articles. Included are lesson plans for teachers. The projects also feature several hundred essays about important issues, events, and people, many researched and written by undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Washington.
Journal. 1987-Present. Conservation Biology publishes groundbreaking papers and is instrumental in defining the key issues contributing to the science and practice of conserving Earth’s biological diversity.
Full-text. The series provides reliable information on authors and their works in an easy to understand, engaging format, while placing writers in the larger perspective of literary history. To view the full list of publications included in this database, click on What's Inside.
Full-text. DOAJ is a community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals. All DOAJ services are free of charge including being indexed. All data is freely available.
Other name(s):
GenderWatch, Ethnic NewsWatch, Alt Press Watch
Full text. Diversity Collection provides a global view of some of the biggest topics in diversity, equity, and inclusion. It focuses on ethnic, minority, and native presses, grassroots newspapers and magazines, and journals, news and newsletters focusing on gender and sexuality. The collection aims to bring out dissenting and minority voices to support research and teaching in women’s studies, lgbtq studies, ethnic studies, and more.
Streaming media. Docuseek is a film platform hosting documentary films from distributors like Bullfrog Films, Icarus Films, Film Movement, First Run Features, and more. Request new purchases through the library, or browse our existing collection by clicking Browse Films in the top menu.
Other name(s):
ProQuest Ebook Central
ProQuest E-Book Central
Full-text. eBooks from academic publishers covering a wide range of subjects. Includes more than subscription titles as well as individually purchased ebooks. Most tiles can be read online, downloaded, or have portions printed out.
Aggregate search. Some full-text. Ebscohost is a multidisciplinary database of databases and a good starting point if you want to see a broad scope on a topic.
Journal. 2015-Present. Publiched by the Ecological Society of America, Ecological Applications is concerned broadly with the applications of ecological science to environmental problems.
Mostly full-text. From 1900 - present. This database offers deep coverage in applicable areas of agriculture, ecosystem ecology, energy, renewable energy sources, natural resources, marine & freshwater science, geography, pollution & waste management, environmental technology, environmental law, public policy, social impacts, urban planning, and more.
Other name(s):
Education Resources Information Center
Some full text. From 1966 - present. This is the main scholarly database for Education. Contains more than 1.6 million records and links to hundreds of thousands of full-text documents. Includes records for a variety of source types, including journal articles, books, conference papers, curriculum guides, policy papers and more.
Full text. Covers 1990 - Present. Comprehensively provides newspaper, journal, and magazine resources that cover these ethnic categories: African American/Caribbean/African, Arab/Middle Eastern, Asian/Pacific Islander, European/Eastern European, Hispanic, Jewish, Native People. Resources can be found In both English and Spanish languages.
Streaming Media. Films On Demand is a comprehensive, curriculum-focused video subscription providing unlimited access to thousands of videos in 30+ subjects, including the humanities, science, business, literature, health, and more.
Full-text. FindLaw provides the most comprehensive set of legal resources on the Internet for legal professionals, businesses, students and individuals. These resources include cases and codes, legal news, an online career center, as well as legal forms and business contract templates.
Full text. Bloomsbury Food Library provides comprehensive and authoritative information about the global history of food from pre-history to the present day and includes encyclopedias, references works, e-books, images, and more.
Aggregate search. Full-text. This platform will enable you to search across all Gale databases and collections. Includes: Gale OneFile, Gale In Context, and Gale eBooks. Select which databases to search under the search box.
Journal. 2001-Present. Published by the University of California Press, Gastronomica: The Journal of Food and Culture is a peer-reviewed interdisciplinary academic journal with a focus on food.
Full-text. From 1970 - present. Provides authoritative historical and current perspectives on the evolution of gender roles as they affect both men and women. GenderWatch supports gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) studies; family studies; gender studies, and women's studies with a unique interdisciplinary approach.
Full-text. From 1980 - present. Recent global news content, as well as archives which stretch back into the 1980s featuring newspapers, newswires, blogs, and news sites in active full- text format
Some full-text. First, you need to connect to the library holdings. A simple way to search for scholarly literature, across many disciplines and publication types--articles, theses, books, abstracts, reports, and court opinions--from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities and other web sites.
Mostly full-text. GreenFILE offers well-researched information covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. Its collection of scholarly, government and general-interest titles includes content on global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more. The database provides indexing and abstracts for more than 1,000,000 records, as well as Open Access full text for more than 15,000 records.
Full-text. Access medical journals, magazines, reference works, multimedia, and more. This consumer health resource provides authoritative information on the full range of health-related issues, from current disease and disorder information to in-depth coverage of alternative medical practices for researchers of all levels.
Full text. HeinOnline is a large image based legal research collection and contains important political science information, legal history, journals, case law and government documents. It contains more than 130 million pages across more than 60 individual databases, all of which are fully searchable PDF copies of the original print publications.
Index. This database covers the history of the world (excluding the United States and Canada) from 1450 to the present, including world history, military history, women's history, history of education, and much more. This authoritative database provides indexing of historical articles from more than 1,800 journals in over 40 languages back to 1955.
Full-text. Encompasses all key fields of the humanities, covering topics including art, classical studies, dance, film, journalism, philosophy, religion and much more. Content includes feature articles, interviews, obituaries and original works of fiction, drama, poetry and reviews.
Full-text. Contextual information on a wide array of subjects. Includes reference content with full-text magazines, academic journals, news articles, primary source documents, images, videos, audio files and links to vetted websites organized into a user-friendly portal experience.
Full-text. Introduce elementary students to database searching with resources featuring age-appropriate, curriculum-related content. Focused on an elementary audience and their teachers.
Full-text. Explore thousands of topics across subjects including literature, science, history, and social issues using different sources. Focused on a high school audience and their teachers.
Full-text. Explore the most-studied topics including cultures, government, people, history, literature, and more. Focused on a middle school audience and their teachers.
Streaming media. Kanopy is a video streaming platform which offers a broad collection of 26,000 documentaries and full length features. Producers include BBC Active, Bullfrog films, California Newsreel, Criterion Collection/Janus films, Documentary Educational Resources, First Run Features, Green Planet Films, Media Education Foundation, National Film Board of Canada, New Day Films, PBS,, the DEFA Film Library’s (East) German Film Collection, and more. The library purchases new content by request.
Some Full Text. Mostly scholarly. Includes hundreds of thousands of citations and abstracts from left-oriented publications. Covers current academic journals as well as historically significant left publications (including The People, The Class Struggle, and limited coverage of The Daily Worker). Some mainstream academic publications are included as well. Topics covered include labor, ecology and environment, economics, political economy, marxist theory, social movements, revolution, sexuality, race and ethnicity, area studies, education, and legal studies.
Full text. Containing full text for more than 300 of the world's most respected, scholarly law journals, this database is an authoritative source for information on current issues, studies, thoughts and trends of the legal world, including criminal justice, ethics, federal law, international law, labor and human resource law, medical law, organized crime, the environment and more.
Full text. Gale Literature: LitFinder provides access to literary works and authors throughout history and includes more than 130,000 full-text poems and 650,000+ poetry citations, as well as short stories, speeches, and plays. The database also includes secondary materials like biographies, images, and more.
Full-text. This database contains full text for more than 1,750 periodicals covering general reference, business, health, education, general science, multicultural issues and much more. Includes an image bank.
Other name(s):
NIH U.S. National Library of Medicine
A database of subject headings that links to National Library of Medicine. Use this research to derive search terms for your topic or to browse related subjects.
Index. Some full text, from 1809 - present. The index of the National Library of medicine. Over 23 million references to journal articles in life sciences with a concentration on biomedicine with citations from over 5,600 worldwide journals in 60 languages. All articles indexed in Medline are also indexed in PubMed.
Other name(s):
Military and Government Collection, Military Library Full Text
Mostly full-text. Designed to offer current news pertaining to all branches of the military and government, this database offers a thorough collection of periodicals, academic journals and other content pertinent to the increasing needs of these sites. Includes full text for 260 journals and periodicals and offers indexing and abstracts for 430 titles.
Other name(s):
Movie Discovery
Ma'aleh Film School Collection
Streaming media. Films from the Ma'aleh Film School, a media school in Jerusalem, provided by Movie Discovery. This collection also contains films pertaining to the following subjects: technology, science, environment, history, and art. This collection is being made available thanks to a grant secured by Evergreen faculty member Nancy Koppelman.
Journal. 1960-Present. A 160-page journal published every two months from London, New Left Review analyses world politics, the global economy, state powers and protest movements; contemporary social theory, history and philosophy; cinema, literature, heterodox art and aesthetics. It runs a regular book review section and carries interviews, essays, topical comments and signed editorials on political issues of the day.
Full text. Follow this link to sign up for a free New York Times account provided by The Evergreen Library.
Step 1: Click the link above.
Step 2: Search for and click “The Evergreen State College - Olympia, WA”
Step 3: Follow the steps based on whether you are On or Off Campus
If you already have an account with the NYT that you pay for, you will need to cancel your subscription before claiming this free access.
Full text. Find global information on topics related to business, economics, education, government, health, international studies, politics, science, social issues, sports, STEM and more from a variety of news media featuring newspapers, videos and web-only content.
Mostly full-text. Digital collection of the world's major news content. It includes millions of articles from newspapers, newswires and news magazines. In addition, it offers television and radio transcripts and ongoing daily updates from popular news sources. contains comprehensive full text for major newspapers such as New York Times (from January 1985 to present), Christian Science Monitor, San Francisco Chronicle, The Times (UK), USA Today, The Washington Post, and others.
Full-text. This dictionary is the accepted authority on the evolution of the English language over the last millennium. It is a guide to the meaning, history, and pronunciation of over half a million words, both present and past. It traces the usage of words through 2.5 million quotations from a wide range of international English sources, from classic literature and specialist periodicals to film scripts and cook books.
Index. PhilPapers is a comprehensive index and bibliography of philosophy maintained by the community of philosophers. We monitor all sources of research content in philosophy, including journals, books, open access archives, and personal pages maintained by academics. We also host the largest open access archive in philosophy. Our index currently contains 2,421,424 entries categorized in 5,463 categories. PhilPapers has over 250,000 registered users.
Full text. Plant health information from across the world, including a useful diagnostic tool and factsheet library to help diagnose and manage plant health problems.
Full-text. The Library of Congress is home to many of the most important documents in American history. This Web site provides links to materials digitized from the collections of the Library of Congress that supplement and enhance the study of these crucial documents.
Some full-text. This database is aimed at elementary school children, with 150+ magazines indexed and half as many in full text., many available in color PDF. Articles are assigned reading level indicators (Lexiles) to provide educators with an estimate of the result’s reading difficulty and the approximate grade-level reading ability required for comprehension. Lexiles help teachers meet the needs of students with varying reading abilities and interests and allow students to read along at their own pace.
Journal. 1915-Present. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences is a peer-reviewed multidisciplinary scientific journal, and publishes original research, scientific reviews, commentaries, and letters.
Other name(s):
American Psychological Association (APA) Articles
APA PsycArticles
Mostly full-text. From 1894 - present. Articles from major academic psychology journals.This is a definitive source of full text, peer-reviewed scholarly and scientific articles in psychology. It contains more than 153,000 articles from nearly 80 journals published by the American Psychological Association (APA) and more. All articles in PsycArticles are indexed in PsycInfo.
Other name(s):
American Psychological Association (APA) Index
APA PsycInfo
Indexes 2,500 journals & links to full-text of about 80 APA journals in the PsycArticles database.1880 - present. Content is international and interdisciplinary; more than 8,400 controlled vocabulary terms; cited references since 2001.
Other name(s):
NIH National Library of Medicine
National Center for Biotechnology Information
Index. PubMed, a service of the National Library of Medicine, provides access to over 11 million MEDLINE citations back to the mid-1960's and additional life science journals. PubMed includes links to many sites providing full text articles and other related resources, including links to all the full text articles in PubMed Central.
Other name(s):
NIH National Library of Medicine
National Institutes of Health
PubMed Central® (PMC) is a free full-text archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health's National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM). PMC is a subset of PubMed that includes only articles that are available for free online. Unlike PubMed, PMC allows you to search the full text of articles (and does so by default).
Journal. 1997-Present. Restoration Ecology fosters the exchange of ideas among the many disciplines involved in the process of ecological restoration. Addressing global concerns and communicating them to the international scientific community, the journal is at the forefront of a vital new direction in science and ecology. Original papers describe experimental, observational, and theoretical studies on terrestrial, marine, and freshwater systems, and are considered without taxonomic bias.
Other name(s):
American Prison Newspapers, 1800-2020: Voices from the Inside
Independent Voices
Student Activism
Full text. This open access database consists of three collections: American Prison Newspapers, 1800-2020: Voices from the Inside, Independent Voices, and Student Activism. Content includes alternative and independent press newspapers, images, and other ephemera.
Other name(s):
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)
Journal. 1997-Present. Published by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), Science is a leading journal for research in the sciences.
Mostly full-text. 2,500 journals and reference works and a full range of science and social science including herbal medicine, consciousness studies, mindfulness.
Full text. A social sciences database that includes 1072 full-text journals and 26,000 author profiles. Subject include economic development, population, gender studies, religion, social movements, and much more.
Other name(s):
ProQuest Statistical Abstract of the U.S.
Statistical Abstract of the United States
Full text. A comprehensive collection of statistics on the social, political, and economic conditions of the United States, it is a snapshot of America and its people.
Streaming Media. A select number of titles individually purchased by the library for classes and coursework. A good place to look for newer releases and popular films.
Other name(s):
ProQuest US Newsstream
United States Newsstream
Full-text. 1980-present. Recent premium U.S. news content, as well as archives which stretch back into the 1980s featuring top newspapers, newswires, blogs, and news sites.
Full-text. Features over 19,000 scholarly and professional books, handbooks,dictionaries, companions and landmark book series in the sciences, social sciences, and humanities.
Aggregate search. Some full-text. Ebscohost is a multidisciplinary database of databases and a good starting point if you want to see a broad scope on a topic.
Aggregate search. Full-text. This platform will enable you to search across all Gale databases and collections. Includes: Gale OneFile, Gale In Context, and Gale eBooks. Select which databases to search under the search box.
Full text. Find global information on topics related to business, economics, education, government, health, international studies, politics, science, social issues, sports, STEM and more from a variety of news media featuring newspapers, videos and web-only content.
Mostly full-text. 2,500 journals and reference works and a full range of science and social science including herbal medicine, consciousness studies, mindfulness.
New / Trial Databases
The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
Full-text. Black Life in America is an article-based, multidisciplinary database examining the experience and impact of African Americans as recorded by the news media. Coverage includes: Late 20th Century (1976 - 2000), Early 21st Century (2001 - present).
Full Text. Index. Black Studies Center consists of scholarly journals, commissioned overview essays by top scholars in Black Studies, historic indexes, and The Chicago Defender newspaper index from 1910-1975. Collections included: Schomburg Studies on the Black Experience, Black Studies Periodicals Database (formerly IIBP), The Chicago Defender Index, and Black Literature Index.
Full text. Bloomsbury Food Library provides comprehensive and authoritative information about the global history of food from pre-history to the present day and includes encyclopedias, references works, e-books, images, and more.
Other name(s):
Movie Discovery
Ma'aleh Film School Collection
Streaming media. Films from the Ma'aleh Film School, a media school in Jerusalem, provided by Movie Discovery. This collection also contains films pertaining to the following subjects: technology, science, environment, history, and art. This collection is being made available thanks to a grant secured by Evergreen faculty member Nancy Koppelman.
Full text. Follow this link to sign up for a free New York Times account provided by The Evergreen Library.
Step 1: Click the link above.
Step 2: Search for and click “The Evergreen State College - Olympia, WA”
Step 3: Follow the steps based on whether you are On or Off Campus
If you already have an account with the NYT that you pay for, you will need to cancel your subscription before claiming this free access.
Other name(s):
American Prison Newspapers, 1800-2020: Voices from the Inside
Independent Voices
Student Activism
Full text. This open access database consists of three collections: American Prison Newspapers, 1800-2020: Voices from the Inside, Independent Voices, and Student Activism. Content includes alternative and independent press newspapers, images, and other ephemera.
Daniel J. Evans Library - MS: LIB2300 - 2700 Evergreen Parkway, NE. Olympia, WA 98501 - 360-867-6250