Subject Encyclopedias are usually written by specialists for non-specialists. This means they tend to be written in accessible language -- they don't assume that you already know the jargon native to the field of study. A good subject encyclopedia introduces you to main concepts in the field, central theorists and writers, major historical developments, and current discussions and debates. Most include entries that are signed by the author and include a select bibliography for additional reading. Overall, a good subject encyclopedia can be a great way to get oriented when you are relatively new to a field of study, or some part of it.
Are all the subject encyclopedias listed here "good"? Not necessarily. We get many of our subject encyclopedias as part of larger packages of electronic texts, and we haven't reviewed all of them. In general, however, we don't expect any of them to be "bad" -- it is just that some will be better than others.
Encyclopedia of the Anthropocene, 2018. Science Direct
Eating disorders : an encyclopedia of causes, treatment, and prevention. 2013. Internet Archive (checkout for one hour)