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Evergreen Protests of 2016-2017: The Bibliography: January - October 2019

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January - October 2019

Articles, Interviews, etc. Jan - Oct 2019

Soave, Robby and  Jane Coaston.  " The State of Free Speech on Campus" .  Policy Report, 41 (5).  September/October, 2019.

In what is intended to be a description of a specific incident involving a violation of "free speech", Soave and Coaston actually say only that Weinstein is an example of someone whose students "have rejected something they said or did".  

Goldnadel, Gilles William.  "Gilles-William Goldnadel: Censures et capitulations".  28 October, 2019.

McCormack, Peter.  "What Happened at Evergreen State College | Bret Weinstein".  Defiance.  28 October, 2019.  Podcast.

Bozell, Brent, and Tim Graham.  "Speech Police and  'Safe Spaces'".  25 October, 2019.  Opinion.

A review of the new documentary No Safe Spaces from a conservative perspective.  Says that Weinstein is the "central exhibit" when the film discusses "liberal professors" who "are punished for crossing the speech police".  Describes the Day of Absence as a day "when all white people were supposed to avoid coming to campus", which is closer to an accurate description than most.  Says that Weinstein was "forced out" of his position at the college for daring to "show up and teach" on that day.  In fact, the college is not known to have taken any action against Weinstein, Weinstein left the college as part of a settlement of his own lawsuit against the college, he wasn't scheduled to teach that day, and many other white folks showed up on campus that day.

This article has been republished on many sites, including Fox News and The Daily Wire.

Ng, Alan.  "No Safe Spaces".  Film Threat.  25 October, 2019.

A review of the new documentary No Safe Spaces.  Evergreen is the first example discussed in the review.  Ng states that the campus was shut down "for weeks", which is untrue.  He implies that it was shut down as a direct result of student response to professor Bret Weinstein, when in fact it was shut down (for 3 days) as a direct response to a phoned-in threat of a massacre (later traced to a man in New Jersey who did not own a gun).  He writes that white students and faculty were "effectively banned" from campus on a Day of Absence.  The modifier "effectively" makes this slightly closer to the truth than most accounts -- but in fact, participating in the Day of Absence by staying off campus  was encouraged by some, but always voluntary.  Many white folks were on campus that day -- they were not banned, not even "effectively". 

It is not clear whether these incorrect statements are in the film, or are the reviewer's own mistakes.

Thompson, Luke Y.  "Review: ‘No Safe Spaces’ Takes On Political Correctness, Just Like Everyone Else".  Forbes.  24 October, 2019.  

Evergreen is not mentioned by name, but in this review of a new feature documentary film, the reference to a professor who is fired because of their refusal to participate in an "unorthodox anti-racism protest" is clearly a reference to Bret Weinstein.  Weinstein, however, was not fired (he sued the college and agreed to resign as part of a settlement of his suit), there is no evidence that the college ever began any disciplinary action against him, the college's only public comments regarding Weinstein rejected student demands that he be fired and supported his right to speak, and the event he 'refused to participate' in was explicitly a voluntary event.

It is not clear whether the reviewer is misreporting what is in the film, or whether the reviewer is  repeating errors made in the film.

Donnelly, Elisabeth.  "How Did This Liberal Feminist Writer Fall In With The Dark Web?".  BuzzFeedNews.  18 October, 2019.

A critical review of Meghan Daum's forthcoming book The Problem with Everything: My Journey Through the New Culture Wars.  Donnelly also considers Daum's Medium article "Nuance:  A Love Story", which focused on her positive assessment of the IDW (and was an extension of her earlier Los Angeles Times article "A New Movement to Speak Truth to Identity Politics Is Our Best Hope against Regressive Thinking.”)

Young, Toby.  "Colleges should be ‘islands of excellence’".  Spectator USA.  18 October, 2019.

A by-the-numbers conservative take on "Maoist intolerance" at colleges and universities, using Evergreen as the only example. In the context of supportive comments on Kronman's new book, Young criticizes "excesses of democracy", a "passion for equality" at universities, and "liberal pantywaists".  

Weinstein, Bret.  "Douglas Murray | Bret Weinstein's DarkHorse Podcast #5".  DarkHorse Podcast.  16 October, 2019.

Kengor, Paul.  "Safe Spaces for Me But Not for Thee".  The American Spectator. 27 September, 2019.

Review of the documentary No Safe Spaces, due out in October.  Kengor writes:

"The two most riveting cases profiled in No Safe Spaces are outright chilling: Lindsay Shepherd of Wilfrid Laurier University in Canada, who ran afoul of her university’s totalitarian codes, and Bret Weinstein of Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington, who disobeyed an edict by campus racists banning whites one particularly surreal day."

Kengor is referencing the Day of Absence at Evergreen, but there was no edict, and whites were not banned.

Newsrep.  "The national security implications of idea laundering".  Newsrep.  21 September,  2019.

Law, Katie.  "The Madness of Crowds by Douglas Murray - review".  Evening Standard.  19 Septermber, 2019.

Herzog, Katie.  "Cancel Culture: What Exactly Is This Thing?".  The Stranger.  17 September, 2019.

Murray, Douglas.  The Madness of Crowds: Gender, Race and Identity.   Bloomsbury Continuum.  17 September, 2019.

Several pages of this book are devoted to the Evergreen protests.  Much of Murray's account is factual, though with a single-minded and one-sided focus on some of the most extreme moments captured on video and audio.  The threat of violence on the part of protestors is exaggerated, and protesters are likened to "stormtroopers".  Protestors' demands and motivations are almost completely absent from this account, as are many important elements of the larger context previously captured by Fischel et al, Littleton, and Moskowitz.

Faller, Mary Beth.  "Campus discourse has been hijacked by a few radical 'cancelers,' says Robby Soave".  ASU Now.  5 September, 2019.

Prager, Denis and Joseph, Mark, eds.  No Safe Spaces.  Regnery Publishing.  3 September, 2019.

The book of the film, apparently.  Snarky and cinematic.  Leads with Weinstein and Evergreen, but focuses almost exclusively on Day of Absence, and gets the basic sequence of events badly wrong.

Linge, Mary Kay.  "How college students today go against everything universities stand for".  New York Post.  31 August, 2019.

Primarily an article about Kronman's book The Assault on American Excellence, Linge exaggerates (to put it mildly) when she addresses the Evergreen case, writing that "social-justice activists erupted in rage when they ordered white staffers to stay away from school during a day of racial demonstrations — and a biology professor objected.".  She writes that classes were canceled for "five days" (actually three days) and implies that the closures were due to student protests, without mentioning that the campus was in fact closed in response to a threatened massacre phoned in by a man apparently upset by news of the protests.

Parkman, Andrew.  "Leftist Victim Culture Causes Trouble for Professors and Universities."  Epoch Times.  30 August, 2019.

This article presents a weirdly distorted version of Evergreen's 2017 Day of Absence, in an article primarily devoted to the case of Eric Thompson, a professor in California who lost his tenure-track position (which he then got back).  Notably, one day after Science Magazine published a major study linking "DNA variants to same-sex behavior", this article asserted, apparently in defense of Thompson, "The fact is that there is zero conclusive evidence that homosexuality is biological,"

Axt, Gunter.  "Higher Education, Gender and Freedom of Expression - Interview with Camille Paglia"   Interfaces Brasil / Canada, 19 (2), 25 August, 2019.

In his introduction, Axt discusses Weinstein and refers incorrectly to "the edict of the director of multicultural orientation for all white faculty to cancel their courses for one day and remain off campus in a "Day of Absence"".  There was no "edict"  to cancel classes, nor to remain off campus.

Kronman, Anthony.  The Assault on American Excellence.  Free Press.  20 August, 2019.

Includes one mention of Evergreen, focusing on the college president modifying his hand gestures at the behest of student protestors.  This is one of several incidents Kronman cites as "representative expressions of a whole way of thinking about the aims of higher education that has captured the imagination of faculty and administrators . . . and done real damage to our colleges and universities".  

Moskowitz, P.E.  The Case Against Free Speech:The First Amendment, Fascism, and the Future of Dissent.  Bold Type Books.  13 August, 2019.

Chapter 4 is devoted mostly to Evergreen and is heavily based on Moskowitz' earlier article in The Outline.  Strong on providing relevant local, regional, and national contexts.

Bragg, Billy.  The Three Dimensions of Freedom.  Faber and Faber Social.  13 August, 2019.

No mention of Evergreen, but includes a short critique of Eric Weinstein and the IDW as part of an argument in favor  of according "equality and accountability"  in discourse the same "high regard" accorded to free speech.  In a Sept 22 Facebook post, Bragg gives a more nuanced version of the same critique and argument.

Boyce, Benjamin.  "The Complete Evergreen Story (Parts 1-13)" .   YouTube.  7 August, 2019.

Bekker, Karen.  "At Oberlin and Elsewhere, Anti-Semitism Was Canary in the Coal Mine [incl. Saree Makdisi]".  Middle East Forum.  2 August, 2019.

Mikics, David.  "The High Priest of Heterodoxy".  Tablet.  22 July, 2019.

Morgan, Glen.  "Should Evergreen State College Just be Shut Down?"  19 July, 2019.

Schwalback, Jude.  "How Students Have Turned Their Back on Civil Discourse." The Daily Signal.  16 July, 2019.

Commentary from the Heritage Foundation uses Bret Weinstein as the first example demonstrating their titular claim, reproducing the common trope that he was "hunted by students", and linking to the American Enterprise article on "Primitive Savagery" at Evergreen (Perry, 12 May 2019) as a source for the claim.

Toto, Chrtistian.  "‘NO SAFE SPACES’ – OUR LAST CHANCE TO SAVE FREE SPEECH?".  Hollywood in Toto.  13 July, 2019.

Weinstein, Bret.  "Bret Weinstein: Evergreen, Project Veritas, & Censorship with Benjamin Boyce".  YouTube.  30 June, 2019.

Vedder, Richard.  "Tale Of Two Worlds: The Real World And The Ivory Tower--Oberlin College".  Forbes.  24 June, 2019.

Vedder claims that some campus protests are "disconnected from reality as perceived in the real world".   He writes mostly about Oberlin.

Evergreen angle:  

Vedder, combining both vagueness and exaggeration, writes:  "At Evergreen, a school with a reputation even more far left than Oberlin, one campus protest involved effectively banning white persons from the campus for a period. Evergreen similarly suffered a big budget hit--do parents, even progressive ones, want their kids going to schools wracked by constant protests and bizarre behavior not acceptable in the broader community?"

O'Neill, Brendan.  "'We Need A Rational Left'".  Spiked Online.  23 June, 2019.

An interview with Bret Weinstein on "the crisis of free thought in the 21st century".  .  Unlike most of Weinstein's interviewers, O'Neill is a self-described leftist.

--------.  "Professor in Exile".  The Comedy Cellar.  21 June, 2019.

An interview with Bret Weinstein.  Not funny, despite the venue.  Just a straightforward interview addressing Evergreen, racism, biology, and freedom of expression. 

Cicotta, Tom.  "YouTube Demonetizes Evergreen State College Critic".  Breitbart.  21 June, 2019.

Two  differences between The College Fix and Breitbart are evident in their respective headlines:  As is often the case, Breitbart is publishing on the same story a day later but with a more exaggerated headline (note that Breitbart, while citing the College Fix article, dropped the adjective "partially").

Sexton, John .  "YouTube Partially Demonetizes Benjamin Boyce".  Hot Air.  20 June, 2019.

Sexton provides more details than Kabbany (in The College Fix the same day) or Cicotta (in Breitbart the day after).

Kabbany, Jennifer.  "YouTube channel of top Evergreen State College critic partially demonetized".  The College Fix.  20 June, 2019.

The "critic" is Benjamin Boyce.  The article doesn't report on YouTube's reasons for partially demonetizing some of Boyce's videos, but presumably an algorithm determined that they violated their "advertiser-friendly guidelines".

Freedman, Aaron.  "Why Should We Care About Faux Free-Speech Warriors? Because the Koch Brothers Are Paying Their Bills.".  The American Prospect.  20 June, 2019.

Argues that right wing and some centrist advocates of 'free speech' selectively protect right wing speech, and are often funded by right wing activists like the Koch brothers.   Provides no information on the scale of Koch funding in individual cases cited,  which range from institutional funding for groups like FIRE, to monetary awards for journalists like Bari Weiss (although if one follows a link to SourceWatch, that site suggests that tax filings show that the Koch's provided nearly 1 million dollars to FIRE from 2008-2014).

Freedman concludes that "this isn’t just about a couple of billionaires throwing some money around: It’s an organized project by an elite class to preserve its power in the face of an existential threat from the left."

Evergreen angle:  

"Bret Weinstein, a biology professor at Evergreen State College, became an online sensation for his highly publicized opposition to an initiative asking white students and faculty to stay home for a symbolic protest against white supremacy. After facing criticism from students, Weinstein resigned his position, sued the school, collected a healthy settlement, and went on to become a key part of the IDW . . . 

. . . And Bret Weinstein was hosted by the University of Wisconsin-Stout’s Free Speech Week, a project of their Center for the Study of Institutions and Innovation—funded by, you guessed it, the Charles G. Koch Foundation." 

Horn, Arthur.  "Submit, Or Else."  19 June, 2019.  Letter to the Editor.

In a letter decrying violent attacks on freedom of speech on campuses, Horn states incorrectly that "[a]t The Evergreen State College, students brought clubs and bats to prevent a speaker from voicing ideas they didn’t agree with."   Horn published an almost identical letter in the New York Daily News as well.

Weinstein, Bret.  "Steven Crowder & Big Tech Influence on Free Speech".  YouTube.  19 June, 2019.

Weinstein monologue explaining his "free speech absolutism".  From the blurb:  "Bret Weinstein discusses the controversy surrounding Steven Crowder's remarks on Carlos Maza and the deeper implications the fallout has on big tech's influence over censorship and free speech." 

Sexton, John.  "Will The Radicalization Of White Liberals Create The Monster They Fear Most?".  HotAir.  19 June, 2019.

Evergreen Angle;  Short discussion of a recent youtube commentary by Bret Weinstein, which says, in sum:

“'People who are the object of ire from the intersectionalists are going to be backed against the wall together. Who are they going to be? Well primarily they are going to be straight and white and male', Weinstein said. He predicts that if this happens those groups are then likely to fall into their own identity-based cooperation, i.e. something like white nationalism (which is obviously not a desirable outcome)."

Kabbany, Jennifer.  "Oberlin’s $44 million verdict could happen to any college — they’re all a mess"The College Fix.  17 June, 2019.

A rehash of other sources' writings on the Oberlin verdict.  

Evergreen angle:  "Yes, Oberlin is the latest Evergreen, Mizzou, etc." .  And also substantial excerpts from Turley's opinion piece in The Hill.

Soave, Robby.  "Intersectionality 101".  Reason.  17 June, 2019.

Soave's main points: 

"The thinkers who first defined intersectionality probably hoped that by linking all kinds of oppression together, they could force people to fight against a wider swath of bad things. . . But the more -isms added to the pile, the more tenuous this approach becomes. . .. A hopelessly divided opposition movement that cannot resist cannibalizing itself over intersectionality-induced disagreements is not going to be very effective. In fact, it's probably a good recipe for the continued political dominance of the Trump coalition."

The Evergreen angle:  Soave devotes several short paragraphs to the Evergreen protests, focused entirely on Bret Weinstein.  Their argument, ultimately, appears to be that it is significant that  Weinstein was a "progressive" who "sympathized with the activists' goals", and yet was criticized by activists.  They conclude that the Evergreen case shows that  "activists who worship at the altar of intersectionality felt compelled to turn on people for committing venial sins".  Specifics about the protests are mostly the same specifics referenced by dozens of other articles.  But Soave references a Vice broadcast that had significant viewership but has rarely been referenced by others.

Despite having written on the Evergreen protests previously, Soave refers to the "Day of Absence"  as the "Day of Action", suggesting a lack of attention to detail and a lack of editorial oversight.

Shapiro, Ben.  " Harvard Rescinds Admission To Conservative Kyle Kashuv Over Private Racist Remarks He Wrote At 16, Despite Apology And Evidence Of Growth. This Is Disgusting.".  Daily Wire.  17 June, 2019.

The title summarizes the bulk of the article pretty well.  

Evergreen angle:  Shapiro states incorrectly that " [o]ver at Evergreen College, Professor Bret Weinstein and his wife Professor Heather Heying were forced out over Weinstein’s refusal to stop teaching for a “Day of Absence” for white teachers".  

Turley, Jonathan.  "Oberlin College case shows how universities are losing their way".  The Hill.  15 June, 2019.

An opinion piece commenting on a 44 million dollar award won by a bakery in Ohio against Oberlin college, in relation to a protest and boycott of the bakery led by Oberlin students following an altercation between one of the bakery's owners and "an African American student."  

The Evergreen Angle:

"Across the country, academics have caused lasting damage to their institutions by failing to stand up to, or actively supporting, extreme demands for speech codes, limits on academic freedom, and tenure changes. In Washington, Evergreen State College faculty members supported students who mobbed biology professor Bret Weinstein in a disturbing confrontation outside his office. The result was a significant $500,000 settlement with Weinstein and a major decline in applications".

Hayward, Steven.  "Cowardice at Harvard".  PowerLine.  14 June, 2019.

A short piece criticizing Harvard for removing Ronald Sullivan as Dean of Winthrop House "for the sin of joining Harvey Weinstein’s defense team, which he did on the old-fashioned ground that everyone’s due process rights deserve vigorous protection."

Evergreen angle:  

"I hope this means [Ronald Sullivan and his wife, law professor Stephanie Robinson] will join the ranks of chastened liberals and progressives like Bret Weinstein, and increase the pressure and shame on the craven cowards who run higher education."

Yancey, George.  "Wokeness and Legalism".  Patheos.  14 June, 2019.

Yancey, a sociologist focusing on Christian Studies at The University of North Texas,  argues that some campus protests have "religious elements to them".   His primary example of this is a campus meeting at Evergreen that ended with an extended canoe metaphor.   The core of the argument seems to be this:

"Undoubtedly individuals felt pressure to get “in the canoe” even if they were not committed to the plan devised by the diversity committee. One can say that their heart was not in it, but they wanted to be perceived as a good person. This happens with Christians as well. Some people go to church not because they are seeking to be closer to God, or want to be in a Christian community, but because they want to look good."

Yancey concludes that the Evegreen meeting amounts to  "one of the best examples of a secular form of ritual I have seen in years."

Butcher, Johnathan.  "Alabama’s Stand for Free Speech Sets an Example for the Nation".  The Daily Signal.  12 June, 2019.

An opinion piece favorable towards Alabama Governor Ivey's signing of Bill 498, which claims to require "public colleges and universities to enact policies protecting freedom of speech on campus".  Butcher asserts that the "proposal forbids so-called free speech zones, instructs university officials to be prepared to issue consequences to students who violate others’ right to listen and be heard, and assigns public university governing boards the task of writing an annual report on free speech-related incidents."  He likens this to the Chicago Statement, and notes that the ACLU also opposes designated "free speech zones'. on the grounds that such zones restrict freedom of expression.

Evergreen angle:  Butcher implies that protests in 2017 at Evergreen interfered "with others' right to listen or be heard." 

Fact Check:  It is true that one class session was seriously disrupted and a couple of ceremonial events were cut short due to interruptions, but otherwise there was no deplatforming or anything similar at Evergreen.  The campus closure Butcher references did not come in response to protestors as he implies, but to a phoned-in threat of a mass shooting, that was later determined to have been made by a man who did not own a gun and who was in New Jersey with no plans to travel.  Butcher incorrectly states that Evergreen graduation was delayed, the implication again being that this was due to the protests.  Instead, graduation was not delayed, but moved off-campus, in response to threats from outside of Evergreen.

@EricRWeinstein (Weinstein, Eric).  Does Traditional Media Want to Stop On-line Radicalization?Twitter.  9 June, 2019.

Twitter threads are rarely included in this bibliography, but this thread concisely captures an IDW response to the June 8 Roose article.  If an adequate article-length response appears, I may swap it in for this one.

Roose, Kevin.  "The Making of a YouTube Radical." The New York Times.  8 June, 2019.

Worthen, Molly.  "The Anti-College Is on the Rise".  The New York Times.  8 June, 2019.  Opinion.

Worthen discusses a few experimental colleges that aim to "compensate for mainstream higher education’s failure to help young people find a calling: to figure out what life is really for."  Evergreen is mentioned as a college founded a couple of generations earlier but addressing similar concerns.  The expansion of administration in higher education is given special critical attention.  For a completely different critique of 'mainstream' higher ed, see Kimball in The New York Post on June 1.

Wilson, David Sloane.  "What Bret Weinstein Gets Wrong About Group Selection".  The Evolution Institute.  7 June, 2019.

Wilson pursues a debate with Weinstein on evolution that is not particularly relevant to this bibliography. But Wilson's central critique of Weinstein is that he is not "bilingual" on the central scholarly perspectives that are relevant to their debate. And this critique is very similar to Nancy Koppelman's Evergreen-focused critique of Weinstein as a professor who either ignored or criticized both political and scholarly positions with which he was not conversant.  Here are the relevant excerpts from Wilson:

The first is from a dialog that Wilson imagines having with Weinstein:

". . .I am cordially telling you that there are academic standards to maintain. Our reading public deserves to know that we are both experts in the topic that we are discussing. But, to lighten up on you a bit, I know that there is a weird dynamic in which some experts aren’t bilingual when it comes to theories of social evolution. They only think in terms of the individualistic perspective, only read that literature, and therefore dismiss group selection and can’t see it in their own models when it is front of their faces."

And the second:

"I also hope, respectfully, that in future conversations with myself or anyone else on the subject, Weinstein displays a grasp of the peer-reviewed literature on religion from an evolutionary perspective. As far as I can tell, he remains mostly within the bubble of the New Atheist community, which for the most part does not conduct serious research on the subject. When was the last time that Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, or Sam Harris contributed to the peer-review literature? How familiar is Weinstein with the likes of Candice Alcorta, Scott Atran, Robert Bellah, Pascal Boyer, Joseph Bulbulia, Michele Geland, Joseph Henrich, Dominic Johnson, Ara Norenzayan, Richard Sosis, Peter Turchin, and Harvey Whitehouse in addition to my own scholarly work?"

Klein, Daniel.  "A Witch Hunt Comes for a Nonconformist Professor".   The James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal.  7 June, 2019.

An opinion piece challenging the rescinding of a Cambridge Fellowship for Noah Carl.  The author argues (without specifics) that those opposing Carl failed to provide specifics to back up their charges against him. 

The Evergreen angle: 

"But I scarcely foresaw the lynching of non-leftists on academic contracts. The Noah Carl affair, along with the Bret Weinstein affair, represents a new phase of campus leftism. And it is part of a broader wave of heightened incivility among leftist students and faculty." (The author doesn't say any more about the Evergreen case, but links to the first of Mike Nayna's video trilogy).

Molloy, Parker.  "How Bret Stephens and Bari Weiss have taken the NY Times’ campus concern trolling to new heights in just 2 years".  Media Matters for America.  4 June, 2019.

Kimball, Roger.  "PC insanity may mean the end of American universities".  New York Post.   Opinion. 1 June, 2019.

Kimball conjectures that liberal "identity politics" will end the university as we know it, and some other more decentralized system that is more open to conservative voices will replace it.  Evergreen gets one mention, which includes two false statements and one misleading trope.  Kimball refers to "Day of Absence"  as a "rally", which is incorrect.  And he says that the Day of Absence "insisted that all whites stay of campus for a day", which is untrue.  Finally Kimball uses the much-used phrase "hounded out" to describe Bret Weinstein's departure, which is arguably misleading.

Maitra, Sumantra.  "The Intellectual Dark Web Is Collapsing Under Its Contradictions".  The Federalist.  30 May, 2019.

Appears to argue that the IDW is "splitting up online" because of the "inherent contradictions that every big-tent arbitrary grouping inevitably faces."  Something of an incoherent ramble.

Evergreen angle:  In addition to some questionable claims about the politics of various IDW folks, describes Heying and Weinstein as "pro-free speech academics hounded out of Evergreen State College." 

Mangan, Katherine.  "Public Colleges Seek Ways to Pull Up the Welcome Mat for White-Nationalist and Other Extremist Speakers".  The Chronicle of Higher Education.  29 May, 2019.

Evergreen is mentioned in a review of several strategies employed by public colleges that aim to limit the ability of white nationalist and other explicitly discriminatory speakers to rent space on campus for their events:

"Other public campuses are grappling with similar challenges. In 2017, after a tumultuous period of protests, Evergreen State College revised its guidelines for renting out campus facilities to allow only groups that can say they don’t discriminate."

Sexton, John.  "Bret Weinstein Reacts To Grievance Studies Hoax: ‘To Succeed Is To Invite Something Dire Coming Back’".  HotAir.   29 May 2019.

Nayna, Mike.  "Pushing Back on Grievance Studies with Bret Weinstein & Heather Heying".  YouTube.  27 May, 2019.

Bartlett, Tom.  "The Academy’s New Favorite Hate-Read".  The Chronicle of Higher Education.  22 May, 2019.

A discussion of the politics of the increasingly influential online magazine Quillette.

Evergreen angle:  "Quillette has also become the house journal of sorts for the Intellectual Dark Web".  Bret Weinstein is described as "IDW-adjacent", which suggests that the author hasn't followed the IDW closely -- while on the left fringe of the IDW on some issues, Weinstein is clearly core IDW (if one accepts that the IDW is in fact a thing in the first place). 

Boyce, Benjamin.  "Evergreen's Hidden Agenda Commiettee".  YouTube.   21 May, 2019.

Hayward, Steven.  "The Cultural Revolution at Evergreen State".  Powerline.  16 May, 2019.

Heying, Heather.  "A Values Proposition."  Areo Magazine.  16 May, 2019.

Perry, Mark J.  "Lord of the Flies and primitive savagery come to Evergreen State College".  Carpe Diem [American Enterprise Institute].  12 May, 2019

Saramandi, Ariel.  "“There Is Too Much Feminism”: On the Rise of the Mauritian Alt-Right".  Los Angeles Review of Books.  11 May, 2019.

Farrington, Allen.  "After Academia."  Quillette.  9 May, 2019.

Evergreen is foregrounded in an article arguing that "Classical education involves the acquisition of culturally and scientifically useful knowledge, and fostering an ability to think critically to further understanding. Modern education, on the other hand, is accreditation by an officially sanctioned seminary."  Along the way Farrington refers vaguely to real events in exaggerated language, stating that students demonstrated a  "barely contained thirst for violence" and "gangs of thugs prowled the campus with baseball bats in search of thought criminals."  And he sums up his main argument by stating that education is a form of "cultural enslavement to the elite".  A more sober point about administrative bloat in academia and its impact on all aspects of college life is unfortunately obscured by the elevated rhetoric.

Bowden, Blaine.  "Yes, The Intellectual Dark Web Is Politically Diverse".  Areo Magazine.  6 May, 2019.

Hasson, John.  "Johns Hopkins admin. building shut down after anti-police protesters CHAIN themselves inside".  Campus Reform.  5 May, 2019.

Boyce, Benjamin.  "Telling the Grievance Studies Story | with Mike Nayna".  YouTube.  4 May, 2019.


Berend, Autumn.  "College presidents say public doesn’t understand how affordable college is".  The College Fix.  30 April, 2019.

Nayna, Mike.  "The Devils of Evergreen State College".  YouTube.  28 April, 2019. [A repackaging of Nayna's earlier 3 vidoeos]

Nayna, Mike.  "PART THREE: The Hunted Individual".  YouTube.  24 April, 2019.

Dorman, Peter.  "Free Speech, Safety and the Triumph of Neoliberalism",  Econospeak.  23 April, 2019.

MacDonald, Heather.  "Eye on the News:  Drawing the Line, At Last".  City Journal.  22 April 2019.

Boyce, Benjamin.  "BREAKING: Evergreen Debates FIRING President Bridges".  Youtube.  19 April, 2019.

Dreher, Rod.  ‘Great Awokening’: A New Religious War."  The American Conservative.  Blogpost.  18 April, 2019. 

Sexton, John.  "Student Activists Tried To Get Camille Paglia Fired, Her University Said No".  HotAir.  18 April, 2019.

Paul, Darel.  "Listening at the Great Awokening".  Areo Magazine.  17 April, 2019.

Ferguson, Niall.  "Join my Nato or watch critical thinking die".  The Sunday Times.  14 April, 2019.  Paywall.  Library access to this article for Evergreen folks here.

Whigham, Nick.  "‘Don’t become like us’: Rise of safetyism poses the question, are we going soft?".  Herald Sun.  11 April, 2019.

Sullivan, Samantha.  "Universities aren’t for intellectuals anymore; they’re just leftist echo chambers".  The Blaze.  Op-Ed.   9 April, 2019.

Ring, Edward.  "The Establishment War on the Intellectual Dark Web".  American Greatness.   6 April, 2019.

PENAmerica.  Chasm in the Classroom:  Campus Free Speech in a Divided America.  2 April, 2019.

O'Reilly, Esther.  "The Christian and the Atheist Should Be Friends".  Patheos.  26 March, 2019.

Peters, Justin.  "Joe Rogan's Galaxy Bra019in." Slate.  21 March, 2019.

Editorial Board.  "Trump and the College Censors".  The Wall Street Journal.  21 March, 2019.

Shapiro, Ben.  The Right Side of History: How Reason and Moral Purpose Made the West Great.   Broadside Books.  19 March, 2019.

Paresky, Pamela.  "Student Protest: Rebels Without a Clue".  Psychology Today.  16 March, 2019.

Abrams, Samuel J.  "When a student mob came for my job, my college did not support me".  The Spectator.  15 March, 2019.

Higgins, Eoin.  "Evergreen State campus police finally found an excuse to get some AR-15s"   The Outline.  15 March, 2019.

Flaherty, Colleen.  "When Students Want to Review a Tenured Professor.Inside Higher Ed.  13 March, 2019.

Beck, Chris.  "Will Sarah Lawrence College Become the Next Evergreen State?".  Splice Today.   13 March, 2019

Street, Jon.  "Students 'demand' review of conservative prof's tenure. College pres reminds them who's in charge".  Campus Reform.  13 March, 2019.

Payne, Daniel.  "School president suggests ‘collaboration’ with students who want no-whites scholarship, free laundry detergent."  The College Fix.  13 March, 2019.

French, David.  "A Professor Spoke the Truth, He Still Pays the Price."  The National Review.  12 March, 2019.

Sexton, John.  "Tide Pods For The People! Sarah Lawrence College Protesters Demand Free Detergent (And A Kangaroo Court For A Conservative Professor)".  Hot Air.  12 March, 2019.

Murphy, Tom.  "Evergreen State College -- An Innovative Education." The Inspire Wire.  10 March, 2019.

Heying, Heather.  "International Women's Day and It's Discontents".  Areo Magazine.  8 March, 2019.

Sexton, John. "A Short Film About Evergreen State College (Parts One And Two) Hot Air.  6 March, 2019.

Nayna, Mike.  "The Evergreen State College:  PART TWO: Teaching to Transgress".  YouTube.   6 March, 2019.  

Norman, Greg.  "10 stunning disputes over free speech between students, faculty and administrators".  Fox News.  5 March, 2019.

Romero, Nadia.  "The Evergreen State College reinvents itself after 2017 turmoil on campus".  Q13 Fox.  2 March, 2019.

Wilber, Ken.  "What's Missing in the Intellectual Dark Web".  Integral Life.  27 February, 2019.

Boyce, Benjamin.  "Inside Evergreen's Monoculture | Interview with a Current StudentYouTube.  25 February, 2019.

Rommelmann, Nancy.  "The Internet Locusts Descend on Ristretto Roasters".  Quillette.  18 February, 2019.

Woodson, Robert L.  "A feeding frenzy for race grievance predators".  The Hill.  8 February, 2019.

"Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying:  Gender Ideology and BiologyRebel Wisdom.  8 February, 2019.

Angell, Sam.  "The Problem With Outrage Culture Isn’t The Outrage, It’s How It’s Wielded".  The Federalist.  24 January, 2019.

Khan, Haydar.  "The Double Bind of Human Senescence".  CounterPunch.   22 January, 2019.

Kubin, Jacquie.  "The progressive left destruction of Martin Luther King’s Civil Rights dream".  Communities Digital News.  21 January, 2019.

Pluckrose, Helen and James A. Lindsay.  "The Influence of Anti-Racist Scholarship-Activism on Evergreen College".  Areo Magazine.  20 January, 2019.

Nayna, Mike.  "The Evergreen State College:  PART ONE: Bret Weinstein, Heather Heying & the Evergreen Equity Council".  YouTube.  17 January, 2019.

Heying, Heather.  "On College Presidents".  Academic Questions.  15 January, 2019.

Carlson, Tucker.  "Obama's Border Patrol chief: Democrats' misinformed talk of a 'manufactured' border crisis misleads the American public".  Fox News:  Tucker Carlson Tonight.  9 January, 2019.


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