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Course Materials on Open Reserve: Winter 2025

This guide lists the current required course materials available through The Evergreen State College Library collections.

About this guide

This guide lists the current course materials available through The Evergreen State College Library collections.

Browse courses A-Z, or use CTRL+F to search the guide for a specific course or book title. 

Physical items in the Open Reserves collection check out for two days. If you see the note "waiting for book" under a title, this means that the library has ordered the book and is waiting for it to be delivered and added to our collection. Note: Physical items for Tacoma-based programs can be checked out for a full quarter and are not included in the Olympia campus Open Reserve print collection. 

Abnormal in a Normalized World: Psychopathology and Treatment Interventions in Context (Jon Davies, Ada Vane)

Advanced Computing and Machine Learning (Richard Weiss, Paul Pham)

The Alchemy of Witness (Penelope Partridge)

Anatomy and Physiology: Communication and Continuance (Amanda Kugel)

Art of Energy Psychology (Mukti Khanna)

Art, Play, Literacy (Letta Steward)

Art Practices: Exploring the Role of the Object (Evan Blackwell, Lyndsay Rice)

Arts and the Child: Early Childhood A & B (Hirish Diamant)

Biology: Symmetry and Fractals (Melissa Nivala, Pauline Yu)

Bittersweet: Preparing to Study Cocoa and Permaculture (Sarah Williams)

Bodies Speaking Out: Critical Studies of Health, Disability, and Community Advocacy (Caroline Prouty, Eric Stein)

Business Fundamentals: Small Businesses and Startups (Madelyn George)

Calculus and Analytical Geometry II (Vaughn Foster-Grahler)

Chinese First Year II (Lin Crowley)

Climate Policy and Action: Policy Analysis and Advocacy (Anthony Levenda)

Coast Salish Wool Weaving: Perspective and Practice (Susan Pavel)

Communicating Through Sound: An Introduction to Bioacoustics and Linguistics (Rachel Hastings, Alison Styring)

The Complexity of Life (Andrew Brabban, Michael Paros)

Cornerstone: Foundational Skills and Capacities for Academic Success (Lynarra Featherly)

Developing, Implementing and Assessing Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Strategies (Nichole Ossa)

Diversity and Dissent in Education and the Media (Grace Huerta)

Dyeing Yarn (Susan Pavel)

Edible Campus (Cynthia Kennedy, Steve Scheuerell)

Engaging the Legislature (Larry Seaquist)

Epics in Theory and Practice (Stacey Davis, Sean Williams)

The Feminine Imaginary and Ancient Greece: Sappho, Medea, and Cassandra (Leonard Schwartz, Ulrike Krotscheck)

Field Botany (Frederica Bowcutt)

Financial Management and Economics II: Public and Nonprofit Enterprises (Thu Vuay)

Foundations in Society (George Bridges)

French: First Year II (Raitses, Rebecca)

Fungal Kingdom (Lalita Calabria, Paul Przybylowicz)

Gateways (Therese Saliba)

General Biology II (Aziz Turkoglu)

GIS: Analysis with ArcGIS Pro

GIS: Publishing Story Maps and Apps

Graphic Design II: Brand Identity and Print Publication for Artists and Designers (Lynarra Featherly)

Health Administration: Essential Medical Terminology

The Imaginary, the Symbolic, and the Real: Visual Art, Literary Arts, and Philosophy (Kathleen Eamon, Miranda Mellis, Shawn Flores (Osha)

Integrated Natural Sciences (Clarissa Dirks, Vaughn Foster-Grahler, Paula Schofield)

Integrative Behavioral Health: Assessment, Interventions and Case Management (Emily Polak-Perez)

Introduction to Promotional Video (Dustin Zemel)

Introduction to Web Programming (Jessica Carey)

Japanese: First Year II

Japanese - Second Year II

Leading Others: Building High-Performance Teams (Dariush Khaleghi)

Lifespan Development

Marine Life: Marine Organisms and their Environments (Geraldo Chin-Leo, Amy Cook)

Medicinal Fungi (Aziz Turkoglu)

MES: Conceptualizing Our Regional Environment

MES: Conservation at the Science

MES: Ecological and Social Sustainability (Kevin Francis, Shangrila Joshi, Erin Martin)

MES: Environmental Communication (Kevin Francis)

MES: Freshwater Ecology (Sarah O'Neal)

Master In Teaching MIT (Leslie Flemming, Sarah Grant, Sarah Sunshine Cambell, Catherine Peterson)

MIT Tacoma: Early Childhood Education

MPA: Communicate Like a Leader: Be the Message (Dariush Khaleghi)

MPA: Doing Democratic Public Administration (Amy Gould, Laurance Geri)

MPA: Houselessness: Faces, Numbers and Solutions (Wenhong Wang)

MPA: Project Management (Amy Gould)

MPA: Social Equity and Taxation (Spencer Brien)

MPA Tacoma: Skills for Agents of Change (Laurance Geri)

The Narrative Tableau: Storytelling through Photography (Amjad Faur)

Neurobiology, Behavior, and Consciousness: The Science and Study of the Mind (Nancy Murray)

The New Psychology of Leadership (Dariush Khaleghi)

Nonprofit Leadership

NPP: Community, Culture, and Cosmos: Activism, Art, and Self-Determination (Dawn Barron, Carmen Hoover, Corey Larson, Sasha LaPointe, Gary Bigbear)

NPP: Modern Discourse: Dispelling Myths about Native Americans (Kyle Pittman)

NPP: Writer's Journey: Manifesting Knowledge (Carmen Hoover)

Organizing Effective Movements for Social Change (Madelyn George, Prita Lal)

Personality and Social Psychology: Who Do You Think You Are? (Mark Hurst)

Physical Systems and Mathematical Models (Krishna Chowdary)

Physics II (Pyxie Star)

Precalculus 1 (Vaugn Foster-Grahler)

Professional Practices for Artists (Lauren Boilini)

Psychology Capstone: Clinical and Counseling (Mukti Khanna)

Role Playing Games as Creative Inquiry (Steven Hendricks, Sam Saltiel)

Science of Carbon from Forests to the Globe (Lydia McKinstry)

Spanish: First Year II (Hugo Flores)

The Spanish Speaking World: Cultural Crossings (Alice Nelson, Catalina Ocampo)

Speaking of the Brain

Student-Originated Studies (SOS): Community Mutual Aid and Disaster Resilience (Zoltan Grossman)

Tacoma: Cycle Makers - Cycle Breakers: Environment and Society (Marcia Tate Arunga, Tyrus Smith, Mingxia Li)

Tacoma: Health Safety Nutrition (Sharon Cronin)

Tacoma: A History of the Supreme Court: Goodbye to Precedents (Peter Bacho)

Tacoma: Solving Toughest Problems in Public Health (Mingxia Li)

Theories of Personality (Susan Cummings)

Understanding Typical / Atypical Literacy Development

Web Design

What is Education for at this Moment in Time and Place? An Introduction to Community Based Learning (Sonja Wiedenhaupt)

What Think You of Falling Love? Writing, Literature, Storytelling, and Cultural Perspectives on Love (Rebecca Chamberlain)

What Unions Do (Sarah Ryan)

The Winter Practice of Organic Farming (Ben Hunsdorfer)

Writing, Communication, and Leadership

Writing Healing (Tara Hardy)

Writing the South (Kristin Coffey, Bradley Proctor)

Daniel J. Evans Library - MS: LIB2300 - 2700 Evergreen Parkway, NE. Olympia, WA 98501 - 360-867-6250