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Evergreen Institutional Repository - How to Submit: Submission Link

Everything you need to know about submitting works to Evergreen's institutional repository

Submission Information

When you submit work, you will be asked to fill in the following information:


The person or people responsible for creating the work. Enter the full name in the format "last name, first name" and use a semi colon to separate multiple creators' names.

Example for one author: Williams, Sean

Example for multiple contributors: Doe, Jane; Smith, John


Title of Work

If the work already has a title, enter it here. If not, create a brief title identifying the work.


Description of Work

Optional field giving a brief description, abstract or executive summary of the work to provide easy browsing and assist researchers in finding relevant materials.


Type of Work

Select the type that best fits the work using the given options masters thesis, journal article, report or educational resource, or use the other field to enter a type not represented.



Enter a date that best represents the date the work was originally created or published, or use the date of submission.


Upload file

Give the file a brief, descriptive file name without special characters and upload here. Accepted file types include Word, Excel, PPT, PDF, Image, Video, Audio. For text documents, PDF is preferred. The submission form allows a maximum of 10 MB -- please email archives@evergreen to submit a larger file.


Daniel J. Evans Library - MS: LIB2300 - 2700 Evergreen Parkway, NE. Olympia, WA 98501 - 360-867-6250