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Psychology: Alternative Medicine and Psychology

Alternative Medicine and Psychology

Our standard databases generally have limited content relating to medicinal traditions centered outside of Europe and the U.S.  This page is a work in progress, aiming to collect links to web sources on complementary and alternative medicines.  Some will relate directly to Psychology, while others will not do so explicitly.

A useful list of free online sources on integrative medicine, from Harvard:

Bastyr University guide to sources on ayurveda:

Basic information on many health conditions, herbs, practices, etc from The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Institute for Traditional Medicine

Qi Journal: Traditional Chinese Medicine

Classics of Traditional Chinese Medicine

From the History of Medicine Division at the NIH.

Curious Herbals

Short articles from the National Library of Medicine that explore their collection of "herbals" (books that describe medicinal plants and how to use them)

Herbal Library

From the American Botanical Council.  Includes the herb database HerbMed





Terms to use in searching for alternative medicine/psychology

Students frequently look for books and articles that deal with a specific medical/psychological concern from an alternative perspective.  Sometimes this means a non-western approach, but not always.  There is no one search term that is clearly better than all others for this kind of search.  Here are some of the terms you might want to try (typically in combination with a medical/psychological concern, like "depression", or "eating disorders")

osteopath* (LCSH is "osteopathic medicine") "herbal medicine" (LCSH)
naturopath* acupuncture (LSCH)
homeopath* massage (LSCH)
"complementary medicine" chiropractic (LSCH)
"alternative medicine" (LCSH) "holistic health"
"complementary and alternative medicine" (LCSH) meditati* (LCSH is "meditation")
"complementary and integrative health" "eastern medicine"
"integrative medicine" (LCSH) "traditional chinese medicine" (or tcm)
"natural medicine" ayurved* (LCSH is "medicine, ayurvedic")
"holistic medicine" (LCSH) "qi gong" (LCSH)
cannabis (LCSH) reiki (LCSH is "reiki (healing system)")
hypnosis (LCSH) yoga (LCSH)

quotes ("") are used to do phrase searching, instead of searching for individual words.
An asterisk (*) is a truncation operator:  naturopath*  will search for naturopathy and naturopathic
"LCSH" indicates official Library of Congress Subject Heading.

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