Please fill out this form by November 17, 2024 to be considered for the next exhibition at the The Evergreen State College Daniel J. Evans Library. Trouble filling out this form? Reach out to
Evergreen Library Exhibition Proposal Form:
We are looking for exhibitions to be installed between January 2 - 12, 2025. Accepted proposals will be notified by November 29. Exhibits must fit in glass display cases. There is very limited wall space for accompanying signage.
An honorarium of $500 will be split evenly among all accepted exhibits.
Some criteria we use to evaluate exhibit proposals include:
Types of display cases available for use:
Optional additional cases (if exhibit needs more space):
The configuration of the display cases in the library does not change. Please take some time to visit the library to make sure your idea fits within our current configuration.
Each case include two adjustable (or removable) glass shelves, 28" wide x 13" deep.
Each case include six adjustable (or removable) glass shelves, 28" wide x 13" deep.
Photo withheld by the case's request.