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Open Educational Resources (OER) and Affordable Course Materials

This guide is intended to provide Evergreen faculty, staff, and students with resources about OER, Open Pedagogy, and other approaches to affordable course materials.

Follow these steps

  1. Identify which materials you want to assign in your course. Or contact us to help find materials that meet your needs.
  2. Search the library catalog to see which materials we already own and in which formats. For electronic resources you will want to check and make sure our access is adequate, generally in terms of simultaneous users for eBooks and license during for streaming videos.
  3. Utilize our Purchase Request Form to request materials that we don't already own. We will usually pick the best electronic option when available to best meet student need, or will get in touch if we identify cost or access issues. Please provide, at a minimum, author, title and year of pub information, or an ISBN for books.
  4. If we can purchase resources with adequate access, great! If not, we can work with you to scan portions of books or identify other materials including eBooks, journal articles, and video resources to help meet your needs.

Video Tutorials

Useful Guides

Utilizing Library Resources

See if the library has the materials you want to use or can help you identify alternatives. Our Electronic Resources Librarian, Ray Zill, is happy to help if you have any questions about finding and using electronic resources in your teaching.

Daniel J. Evans Library - MS: LIB2300 - 2700 Evergreen Parkway, NE. Olympia, WA 98501 - 360-867-6250