Welcome to Biology 101! Here's the basics of the typically male (XY) reproductive system.
Medical science today only provides two methods of male contraception, excluding the pull-out method or abstinence:
Vasectomy - a one-time, permanent surgical procedure that is 99% effective and can cost a few hundred dollars, depending on insurance coverage
Condoms - must be used during each occurrence of penetrative intercourse, is roughly 85% effective, and is largely inexpensive
The male birth control pill is in its clinical trial phase. The current listed side effect of the male pill is hypogonadism, which can cause the following: reduced sex drive, sexual dysfunction or erectile dysfunction, fatigue or hot flashes, muscle weakness or loss of muscle, depression, irritability, mood swings, pot belly, or weight gain. These are also the most common side effects of the fully-released and widely-used female birth control pills but do not include the more serious side effects of the female pill that include heart attack, stroke, blood clots, and liver tumors.