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Online Zine Collections

Visit a Local Zine Collection

  • Evergreen has a small but growing collection of zines available on the 3rd floor, next to the Beat Nook and the Rare Books Room. You can view zine titles at the Evergreen State College Library by searching the catalog. Evergreen's zine collection does not circulate, but you can browse the collection on the 3rd floor. 
  • The Olympia Timberland Library has a large circulating zine collection, and the Lacey Library has a small circulating collection of "zine kits," with each kit containing 10-15 zines on a particular subject. Zines may be placed on hold and checked out. Find out more by going to
  • Last Word Books in downtown Olympia has a browsable zine collection. They also sell zines, and have been publishing primarily anarchist zines since 2002. 
  • Orca Books Co-op in downtown Olympia has a good variety of local zines available for purchase, and they also don't mind if you hang out and read. :)


Daniel J. Evans Library - MS: LIB2300 - 2700 Evergreen Parkway, NE. Olympia, WA 98501 - 360-867-6250