The Course Materials on Open Reserve collection consists of all Olympia campus required program titles, as submitted by faculty via their “” account. In an effort to help make required course materials more accessible to students, the Evergreen State College library purchases one copy of all required course materials for all courses, including courses/programs on Tacoma’s campus. Beyond that one copy, students can request additional copies from other libraries using the Library Catalog.
We purchase materials in print and/or e-book format, depending on the availability, price, and needs of the course.
Print copies of materials for Olympia campus programs are put on “Open Reserve” at the Olympia campus library for the quarter that they’re assigned. As part of that collection, these items can be checked out for a period of 2 days (rather than the entire quarter) to ensure access to as many students as possible.
Print versions of required materials for the Tacoma campus courses are not included in our Open Reserve collection on the Olympia campus. They remain part of the regular circulating collection and can be checked out for an entire quarter.
E-books are accessible from any location.
We recently added a Program Materials page to the Tacoma Libguide to help guide Tacoma students to the program materials available to them through the Library:
It’s very important to note that the library’s only way of knowing about required course materials is for faculty to submit these required materials via the Textbook Orders form on by the submission deadline each quarter. (The deadline is typically around Week 4 of the prior quarter.) If a faculty member doesn’t submit their required materials via this process, the library has no way of knowing which materials will be assigned and therefore cannot purchase them in advance. Faculty can learn more about this process via the Faculty Resources page on the Greener Bookstore website. The brochure at the bottom of the page offers helpful context, as well.
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