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Start at the Library homepage:
Use the main search bar on the homepage to search items by title, author, or keyword. I’ll search the Library Catalog for a book on “giant squid” written by the author Beccia.
(If you’re not already signed into your Evergreen account on this browser, you will need to enter your Evergreen login information.)
It looks like we don’t have this particular book that I searched for. In this case, click “Expand your search”.
There it is. Click on the title to view the detailed record.
Note the options for accessing this book from other libraries:
Follow the same process for other types of resources, such as online journal articles.
If expanding your search does not yield the results you need, click the link that reads “Still did not find what you need?” in order to fill out a request form. We’ll do our best to find or purchase a copy of the item that you need.
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