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James F. Holly Rare Books Room

This guide highlights materials in the Rare Books Room and resources for artists.


Featured Flip Book

T.V. Dinner by Ruth Hayes


An image of the library search bar, "flip books" in the search bar with "Evergreen Rare Books" selected in the dropdown menu.

Locating Flip Books in the Rare Books Room

Flipbooks are shelved in the top shelf of the miniature collection cabinet. You can search the catalog for flip books by searching for "flip books" in quotation marks.


What is a Flip Book?

A flip book is a booklet with a series of images that very gradually change from page to page, creating an animation. In order to flip through a flip book, one starts at the back. Our small but mighty flip book collection was started by the acquisition of Ruth Hayes' flip books.

Daniel J. Evans Library - MS: LIB2300 - 2700 Evergreen Parkway, NE. Olympia, WA 98501 - 360-867-6250