Need to pick up a physical item from the Evergreen Library, but can’t get there during our open hours? Use our Big Red Smart Locker to pick up items 24/7. It’s located right outside the main doors of Evans Hall on the Olympia campus.
- Start at the Library's homepage, and find an item in the catalog that you'd like to request. You can request items from the Evergreen collection or to be delivered from other libraries.
- Sign in to your library account on the yellow banner when prompted.
- Request the item ("Get a Physical Copy") & select Pickup Location as “Big Red Locker, 24hr pick up outside Evans Hall"
- Once your requested item is ready for pick-up, we’ll check it out you and place it in the Big Red Locker.
- You'll receive an instant email notification when the item has been placed in the locker. Don't delete this email, as it includes the code to access the item from the locker.
- Go to the locker and either scan the emailed QR code or enter the unique numeric code on the touch screen to access your item.