Shullenberger, Geoff. "War and the Collapse of the Campus Speech Consensus". The Chronicle of Higher Education. 9 November, 2023.
Refers to various 'free speech' controversies on college campuses in the past including that "biology professor Bret Weinstein was chased off the Evergreen State College campus for criticizing a racial-awareness event."
Mounk, Yascha. "How to Argue Against Identity Politics Without Turning Into a Reactionary". New York Times, 22 September, 2023.
Centers on Weinstein as the poster boy for what Mounk calls the "reactionary trap". Mounk argues that Weinstein "started out opposing the real excesses of supposedly progressive ideas and practices, only to" become a "crank" and a "reactionary". The few details given about the Evergreen protests are broadly correct (and better than most such accounts), while also being misleading through its focus on Day of Absence to the exclusion of other factors.
Toto, Christian. "Bill Maher: College is ‘Bulls***,’ a ‘Scam’". Hollywood in Toto. 15 August, 2023.
In a short article ostensibly focused on Marianne Williamson's appearance on Bill Maher's Club Random, Toto, citing the film No Safe Spaces, gets almost nothing right about the Evergreen protests. He writes that Weinstein was physically attacked (even Weinstein doesn't claim that he was); that campus security 'stood down' while he was physically attacked; that there was a "protest banning white students" on campus; and that he and his wife sued the college after leaving (they sued while still employed, and left as part of the $500,000 settlement).
Levy, Janet. "DIE Litmus Tests Are Robbing the Campus". American Thinker. 27 May, 2023.
Levy recycles the misperceptions that during the Day of Absence 2017, "white students" were required to remain off campus, and that student protestors targeted Weinstein because he remained on campus that day.
Nayna, Mike. "The Reformers - An Accompaniment". The Process. 11 May, 2023
After having done a 90 minute documentary on the Evergreen protests, and then reworking that into a 30 minute version, Nayna gives the following summary: "If you ask someone who’s familiar with the media version of these events to recount what happened, they’ll likely tell you that Evergreen students exploded into protest after Bret refused to participate in a ‘day of absence,’ where white staff and faculty were asked to stay home so that non-whites could have the campus to themselves. While this is technically accurate, it’s somehow not true in a broader philosophical sense of the word."
Nayna's summary is not itself "technically accurate" in terms of what happened, although it is correct in attributing this version to many (not all) media representations of what happened. The student disruption of Weinstein's class took place about 5 weeks after the Day of Absence. The Bibliographer is not aware of any reference on the part of the protestors to Weinstein having been on campus on the Day of Absence. Other white Evergreeners were on campus on the Day of Absence as well. The Bibliographer is not aware of any publicly expressed concern about this. Weinstein was targeted for a variety of reasons, probably including but not limited to his emails criticizing the concept of the flipped Day of Absence, but there is no evidence that he was targeted because of his presence on campus on the Day of Absence.
Pitts, Emma. "Is there a cost to free speech on college campuses?". Deseret News. 5 March, 2023.
In an article mostly about the Hamline case as an instance of "cancel culture", the only other case described is the Evergreen protests of 2017.
Lambert, Harry. " The making of Bari Weiss". The New Republic. 22 February,, 2023.
Weinstein's experience at Evergreen, slightly misconstrued, is part of the 'making of Bari Weiss' according to this article. The link above is to the Google cached version, since the article is unfindable otherwise at the moment, presumably a temporary glitch, although it is a bizarrely hagiographic article. Update: Now findable, and updated with a better lede:
Young, Cathy. "Ron DeSantis, Chris Rufo, and the College Anti-Woke Makeover". The Bulwark. 16 January, 2023.
McCarthy, Bill. "Joe Rogan amplifies fake tweet targeting Florida doctor". AFP FactCheck. 9 January, 2023.
Includes additional details complementing the articles below. Possible error in stating that "Rogan discussed the purported post for more than 10 minutes with guest Bret Weinstein". In the clip seen by The Bibliographer, Weinstein is present, but neither seen nor heard until there is a shift to a related but different topic.
Zadrozny, Brandy. " A fake tweet spurred an anti-vaccine harassment campaign against a doctor". NBCNews. 6 January, 2023.
As the Rogan story (see just below) seeps into the mainstream press, NBC provides additional details and context, referencing Weinstein as a guest on Rogan's show who is "a former biology professor at Washington’s Evergreen State College who has promoted unproven Covid cures including ivermectin."
Di Placido, Dani. "Joe Rogan Edits Podcast, Apologizes After Promoting Hoax Tweet". Forbes. 6 January, 2023.
Di Placido contextualizes Rogan's latest misguided diatribe by (usefully) noting other cases of Rogan getting taken in by fakes. Di Placido offers the generous interpretation that Rogan has been inadvertently duped (several times), and ought to hire more fact checkers. The article probably over-implicates Weinstein in Rogan's fake news moment by implying that Weinstein was involved in the discussion and was also "shocked". In the clip The Bibliographer saw, Weinstein is neither seen nor heard . . . it was a Rogan monologue.
Merlan, Anna. "A Doctor Was Deluged in Harassment After Joe Rogan Discussed an Obviously Fake Tweet on Air" Vice. 5 January, 2023
Probably the first article to document Rogan's long diatribe against a fake tweet (see the entry for Rogan just below).on his January 4 show. Merlan refers to Weinstein as "a former Evergreen professor turned COVID vaccine skeptic and ivermectin cheerleader" who has been on Rogan's podcast several times.
Rogan, Joe. "#1919 -- Bret Weinstein". Joe Rogan Experience. 4 January, 2023
The Bibliographer may or may not ever listen to this 3 hour episode, but it does appear that it includes an interesting case of misdirected Rogan-rage, along the lines of Rogan's earlier credulous take on the litter-boxes-in-school-bathrooms hoax.
Weinstein tweeted the following the same night the episode was released:
JRE #1919 will be taken down temporarily by Joe's team to address something we discovered after its release. A tweet we discussed turns out not to be authentic, and there's no way to preserve that part while protecting the person who was being impersonated. #1919 will return soon.
Although the details are not clearly laid out anywhere so far, it appears that Weinstein is referring to a fake or imposter tweet mimicking a real Twitter account. For now, at least, you can see a clip that might be the segment Weinstein is referring to here:
In the clip, Rogan takes seriously and is outraged by a tweet that immediately comes across as parody (Weinstein is silent throughout the clip). Assuming Weinstein's tweet is in fact referring to this segment, then apparently this was the imposter tweet (there does seem to be a real account with a real person who is not a parodist with the same Twitter handle, who has now made their account private). Interestingly, the blurb for the podcast episode says that at another point Rogan and Weinstein express their concern that Jordan Peterson is (apparently) being required by a professional organization in Canada to undertake social meeting training -- ironic given Rogan's own propensity to be taken in by fake social media postings that appear to confirm his biases, including in this very episode.
UPDATE 10:36 a.m. Jan 5: Anna Merlan at Vice just posted details on this, confirming the basic outline above. Merlan links to a Tweet by Taylor Lorenz (Washington Post) who appears to have had some of the specifics last night (Jan 4):
Butler, Kiera. "Meet Ron DeSantis’ New “Public Health Integrity Committee”. Mother Jones. 16 December, 2022.
Catherman, Caroline and Steven Lemongello. "DeSantis announces grand jury to investigate ‘wrongdoing’ around COVID-19 vaccines". Orlando Sentinal. 13 December, 2022.
"Governor Ron DeSantis Petitions Florida Supreme Court for Statewide Grand Jury on COVID-19 Vaccines and Announces Creation of the Public Health Integrity Committee". 13 December, 2022.
Silverstein, Joe. "White House slammed for pledging to keep a 'close eye' on 'misinformation' on Twitter: 'Absolutely insane'". Fox News. 29 November, 2022.
Bartlett, Tom. "A Controversial College Takes Shape". The Chronicle of Higher Education. 2 November, 2022.
Former Evergreen professor Heather Heying's role in the founding of the aspirational University of Austin is part of a longer article on the origins of the idea of the UofA.
Zindulka, Curt. "‘Racial Segregation’: White Students Banned from Black History Month Events at University". Breitbart, 8 Oct, 2022.
Hitt, Tarpley. "Checking In With the University of Austin". Gawker. 13 June, 2022.
Brief reference to Weinstein and Heying's resignation from Evergreen in the context of Heying's role in the "unaccredited, anti-woke" Austin University, which is apparently starting off with a few post-graduate classes focused on principled leadership and entrepreneurship.
Cravatts, Richard. "Compelling Diversity and Punishing Dissent". Accuracy in Academia. 13 June, 2022.
Cravatts gets 3 things wrong in his one sentence on Evergreen:
"Bret Weinstein, a white professor, for example, was punished and eventually even terminated at Evergreen College in 2017 for refusing to stay away from campus during the school’s “Day of Absence” an annual event during which Evergreen’s white students and faculty are urged not to come to campus in order to demonstrate black solidarity."
Connor, Christopher. "How the far right co-opted science — and why scientists need to come out to counter them". Salon. 8 May, 2022.
No mention of Evergreen, but considers the role of the IDW in relation to attitudes towards science, also pointing to two examples of IDW connections to right-wing wealth. On Weinstein:
"[T]he Intellectual Dark Web is merely a loosely affiliated group of celebrity academics and pseudo-intellectuals. These include people like internet talk show hosts like Ben Shapiro and Joe Rogan; but also discredited academics like Jordan Peterson, Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying, who use their scientific credentials to justify conservative positions on hot button "culture war" topics like the legislation targeting the existence of LGBTQ+ people, prohibitions on critical race theory, and anti-abortion legislation"
Connor contrasts the academic practice of peer review with the "pseudo-intellectual" world of the IDW on social media, adding that: "[o]ne review of Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying's best selling book was described by The Guardian as a book that "lazily repeat[s] false information from other pop-science books."
Hunter, Brittany. "This tenured professor is fighting for her right to free speech after university tried to “cancel” her". Pacific Legal Foundation, 5 May, 2022.
Hunter's article focuses on the claims of a San Jose State University professor's that her first amendment rights have been violated by her University. Hunter argues that the case involves the suppression of the free exchange of ideas, and that this is "happening in colleges and universities across the country." Her two other examples of this are the increasing use of diversity or equity statements in hiring faculty in general, and Weinstein's experience at Evergreen. In discussing Weinstein, Hunter repeats the incorrect assertion that "white professors and students" were "not given the option" to refuse to "stay home" on the college's flipped Day of Absence. She claims that "Anyone unwilling to leave campus for the day was told that they were exacerbating the systemic racism they believed was present in every single white person on campus." It is true that there were emails sent prior to DoA by individuals, and one or more might have said something along these lines, but these were emails sent by individuals, not by the college. The official statements said that participation in Day of Absence was, as always, voluntary. There were white people other than Weinstein on campus that day, and there are no known reports of anyone receiving criticism for it (when Weinstein was targeted by protestors weeks later, there was little or no concern expressed about his having been on campus that day).
Hunter says that the "threats" against Weinstein and his wife "continued to mount", but, although the police chief told Weinstein he might want to stay away from campus for a short time, there is no clear evidence of even a single actual threat.
Bartlett, Tom. "Jordan Peterson’s Next Move? Taking Out the Universities". The Chronicle of Higher Education. 7 February, 2022.
Passing reference to Weinstein (alongside James Lindsay) as "dissident academics" who had their way paved by Jordan Peterson.
Dreher, Rod. "Hungary & American Conservatives". The American Conservative. 3 February, 2022.
Dreher writes that just as he stands "with anti-woke liberals like Bari Weiss, Heather Heying, Bret Weinstein, Peter Boghossian, and others", he is supportive of Orban and Fidesz, who/which are "on the right side . . .on the big and important things" and "deserve our allyship."
Hill, Emily. "The indomitable popularity of Joe Rogan". The Spectator. 3 February, 2022.
Weinstein places 2nd, after Tarantino but ahead of Alex Jones, in a list of notable Rogan podcast guests. He's mentioned not for his Ivermectin-related appearances but for his Evergreen-related appearances.
Sexton, John. "Shades of Evergreen in student meeting with Georgetown Law School dean." Hot Air. 1 February, 2022
Leef, George. "Meet a Rhetoric Professor Who Favors Empowerment and Opposes CRT". The James G. Martin Center for Academic Renewal. 19 January, 2022.
Leef writes that Weinstein "found himself in the cross-hairs of the student mob when he “defied them by holding classes on a day when all whites were supposed to stay off campus." In fact, the Day of Absence in 2017 did not demand that "whites" stay off campus. Weinstein did not hold class on that day, he merely came to campus (as did other "whites"), without incident at the time.